Chapter 6

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*ZAILA When you finally realize that you want someone more than anything, fate surprises you with an unexpected and meaningful way of life. That was what happened with my relationship with Viper. I have known Viper since we were children. He is a son of Broken Arrow Sargeant At Arms, and he is Elijah's age and friend. I knew Viper had a playboy reputation when he was a teenager. Both he and Elijah change girl after girl in a matter of days until he starts noticing me. To gain my trust, he began to change, solely focusing his attention on me. Viper was proving himself worthy of my time. I was eighteen at that time when he courted me. We were only taking a short break from missions and online studies when he told me his feelings. I was surprised, knowing I rarely come home. Elijah backed him up and even asked me to give him a chance since he was changing at that time. We started dating for months, most of it through calls and FaceTime after my missions. My alibi to him every time I'm out of coverage is that I'm trying to focus on my studies. My family has the same reason as mine. To get back to him, I make sure we spend time together every time we take a break. Although I never got a chance to give him totally, we make out heavily most of the time. I enjoyed it. When I realized that I was in love with him, and he had been patient with me for fifteen months of our relationship, I decided to give myself to him. I was ready, so I planned to do it after our two weeks of mission abroad. It was supposedly three weeks, but we completed the task early. To surprise him, we didn't tell anyone we were coming home. I told my sisters I would stay at Viper's apartment for a while. Since I had my key in his apartment, I immediately opened the door happily at that time. Instead of surprising him, I'm the one who got a surprise in my life. I remember how furious I was when I saw clothes shattered on the living room floor and the sound coming from the bedroom. I stride furiously towards the bedroom and kick the door, breaking it in the process. I saw Viper f*****g Gracey in her an*l, so shocked to move when I entered the room. Uncaring their position, using my speed, I grab Viper in the back of his neck and throw him into the wall. I heard Gracey cry behind us when I started punching Viper until he lost consciousness. When I faced Gracey, she was shaking with fear, seeing my work with my cheating** ex-boyfriend. I came beside her in an instant and pulled her hair to face me. I showed her the coldest and most deadly me, my assassin self. I watched her face pale before I punched her in the face to knock her out. My family was furious, too, when they found out. Elijah takes his turn to punch Viper when he finds out. Because of what happened, their friendship was ruined after that. Then I discovered he was cheating on me with Gracey for a long time; no wonder he wouldn't mind that I didn't give myself to him. For years, he kept expressing his so-called love to me, but he can't keep his pants close when it comes to Gracey. I hope this time, he will stop and focus his attention on her. After him, I never entered into a relationship; I was focused on my work and studies. I graduated early, and have my degree in elementary education, like the rest of my sisters in the field they choose. I turn back my attention to my sisters and brother. " 100 bucks, he will keep pestering Zaila again even now that Gracey is pregnant," Therizee confidently said. " I second that, sis," Pinky agreed. I shake my head at their antics. "Tsk. Roadkill will cut his balls if he makes a mistake. It was another matter when he got his daughter pregnant," Elijah reasoned. "Like I said many times, I will never take his cheating a** again," I replied. Later that afternoon, Pop came with the rest of the Phoenix bikers. He immediately came to us and gave us each his fatherly hug and scolding, more in my direction, though. I don't mind knowing it was his way of showing he cared for us, to me. On the night of family dinner, we mingle with the rest of the Phoenix family. The Barn is full of laughter and chatter; it makes me feel normal and surreal when I'm here. I was surrounded by my family all the time; either I was with my brothers and sister-in-law or with my niece and nephews that I missed so much. My sisters are everywhere with our friends. The twins joined Ink, Jack, Player, and Nomad in their conversation. Maddie is with Key as they talk in one corner, away from everyone with their laptops in front of them. Pinky is with Lace and Demon; I won't be surprised if they are talking about fashion or men. They are the only female bikers of Phoenix MC. Their parents have already been Phoenix members for a long time, the originals, so it was easy for them to be patched in after they served as prospects. I grew up with them, and they are aware of who I am, but our bond together never changes. I trained with them and taught them the knowledge I had in fighting or weapons. When we are kids, I'm already in camp training; they are still studying. There are times I'm so jealous of them, but I keep in my mind I have a responsibility, and they don't. "How long is your vacation, Princess?" My brother, Hunter, asked as he joined me on the balcony and gave me one bottle of beer. Behind him, Pop is walking towards us. I drink my beer first before replying, "A month break Hunt. Aunt Sav will call us once our next mission has a go signal from our client." "How long will it take?" Pop asked. I shrug. "I don't know, Pop. I had to teach and guard Mr. Guerrero's son because he was receiving death threats again and solve the case of my parents' death. Aunt Sav said it's time to finish this." My father and brother didn't speak, looking blankly ahead. "Pop, what do you know about the Guerrero Family?" I meant to ask him for a long time, but I always forgot. I have a feeling that they are all connected. The pattern of our lives was there; all I need is confirmation only. Pop's eyes widen, and his face paled. Curiosity marred in mine while my brother's features remained blank; he knew something. I never got a chance to ask about this eight years ago; I always forgot every time we had a mission connected to the Guerrero family. When I read Alaric's files, I remind myself to ask Pop about his connection with the Guerrero family, knowing that he is connected to my parents and Aunt Sav. I asked Aunt Sav about this, but she refused to answer my question, and she told me to ask my Pop instead. Seeing my Pop reaction, there's more than history here—a deep secret. I waited. He deeply sighed. "I guess it's time for your Momma and me to share our past with all of you." He looked at my brother and nodded. "Time to call your brothers and the rest of the family. It's better if all of you can hear this." "I will, Pop. Wait for us in your office," Hunter replied and turned in my direction. "You're always my little sister, Princess." He kisses my forehead before walking back downstairs. "Come here, Princess." Pop opened his arms, welcoming her in his warm embrace. "I know you're confused right now, many unanswered questions wanted to be asked, but those questions you seek will have answers at the right time, darling. Right now, I will share the truth about my past and your parents. This piece of information will help you to solve the mystery of your mission with the Guerrero family. There are still more secrets, Princess but whatever you will find out one day, always remember it was for the best at that time, for your safety, and because they love you so much." I nod, but my mind is trying to decipher his puzzling statement. What happened twenty-five years ago? One of the many unanswered questions in my mind. Both Pop and Aunt Sav hardly give me a clue or any information about my parents' work. "I will make sure I won't stop until I find out the truth, Pop, and give them the justice they deserve. We have been playing hide and seek for a long time now. It's time to end the game." I promised.
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