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THE MERRIEMENT surprisingly goes well. I was expecting something a little bit dramatic or, at the very least, with a touch of theatrical tantrum from Romano. But everything went so smoothly as if there really was a Moon Goddess and she wished to give less problem for her favorite Prince of Wolves. A few political announcements and fake smiles later, I am full of all this garbage and more than ready to go to bed. Despite already spending some very intense, very sexy time with Prime, it doesn’t douse the fiery hate I have towards him. He’s still impeccably annoying and I wish more than nothing to step on his stupid gorgeous face. I hate wolves. I hate wolves. I hate wolves. “Wow, I’d never thought this day would come. Vampyrs and Werewolves, huh? You and Alpha Prime for that matter. I thought you hated him with a passion?” One of the girls from the high socialites of the blood-sucking community slides next to me, giving me a mocking smirk that tells how low I stooped to let myself be alienated with a wolf. “Hmm. Maybe it was love after all.” I drawl lazily. I don’t have time to waste talking to this whoever-her-name-is. Right now, all I want to do is to give myself a nice hot bath and then lock myself in the coffin. Prime be damned and all. “Humans do keep talking about that. Love and hate relationships. If you hate someone too much, you can end up loving him,” she continues. “I bet it was like that for you.” “Sure.” On a count from one to five, how fast can I get rid of this woman if I flash my fangs? “I bet he’s a really good lay. I heard, that even though they stink like a dog, they’re really good in bed. You know, with all that muscle and strength. Hmm,” she sighs like a dreamy fangirl. “Must be nice. At least you won’t be so drained in that area.” Yeah, I would know. I can still feel him inside of me and the way his after-high runs down my thigh. One to five. Breath. “How will you feed with him around?” She asks noisily. “They hate it when we feed. They act so human about it when I bet they hunt them on a regular basis every day. They’re beasts, after all.” “It won’t matter. I have to feed to live. Otherwise, he won’t have a fiancée to marry with.” “But won’t he be disgusted?” “They eat human organs,” I replied absent-mindedly. “I’m sure they’d be fine with just a couple of drops of blood.” “Ugh, does that mean you have to be with him when he shifts? Be with his wolf?” “Is there a point to this conversation?” I snapped. Somehow, I feel kind of irritated with the way she keeps affronting Prime. Of course, it doesn’t offend me or anything, but she is talking about the man who is supposed to be engaged with me. It doesn’t sit well with me to listen to her upsetting his reputation. The woman that I don’t even remember whose name is slightly shocked by my reaction. “Uh, I was just—well, I have to go. Someone is calling me. Bye.” She leaves as fast as she comes. Probably used her speed a little bit. I sigh with irritation. How long am I going to have to stand here? “Scaring the guests already?” Prime sidles next to me. Our arms lightly brush, but I could have sworn, it stirs the non-existent blood in my body. I try to squirm out of my way, only to realize that I’m trapped between the wall and his massive frame. “No. They’re already too scared for their lives because of you.” Several pairs of eyes glance at us, curiously looking for that one connection that makes us willing to do this marriage. It is no secret that our marriage is only a political arrangement to appease the Affiliation. But people like stories. They’d dig their sharp teeth in, just for a semblance of gossip. When I’m sure I have glared at them enough to make them look away uncomfortably, I face Prime. “Is there any point in me being here anymore?” I lifted my chin up. “Eager to be alone with me so soon already?” The deep velvety voice could unravel me. Prima smirks, knowing his effects on my body. I might hate him, but my desire sure does not. He closes the distance between us. “Want another shot at round two?” “Hmm. Careful there, pup. One might think you’re actually addicted to me.” “Maybe I am,” his eyes dropped to my lips. “Wolves can get addicted?” Is the air thickening or is it just me who gets trouble breathing? “Sure. When they can see a good meal from afar,” he licks his lips. “This is so wrong. I should be loathing you. And yet, here you are, in that perfect dress that makes me want to just rip it off with my teeth.” I let out a tiny gasp at his very vulgar statement. “Prime.” We both snapped when the sound of his name echoed near us. I recoiled as if I touched fire, while Prime just had an exasperated look on his face. “To the Moon Goddess, I swear I can’t get peace around here,” he mutters before he turns to face the person who calls him. From the way he dresses, I can tell that he’s one of the Weres. “Uncle Rowan.” Prime clears his throat. “Do you enjoy the party?” “It is . . . quite exuberant.” Though there’s nothing joyous about his tone at all. He regards me. “Is this the infamous Ramona Alcatraz, daughter of the High Lord of Vampyrs.” “In the flesh.” I flashed him a fang smile. His eyes darted with disgust. Good. “How very nice to finally meet you. Pardon me for the interruption. I’m Rowan Whitemane, Prime’s uncle. His father’s Beta.” He lifts his head high as if the second position greatly makes him proud. I only offer him a small smile. His eyes twitch again. It’s so easy to work up a wolf. So entertaining. “You know, it never occurs to me to talk to Prime about something. With his father being in recovery and all—” He eyes me up and down with a knowing look. Because of your stupid grand diplomat. “—I have to step in to make sure that Prime’s future is still looking great.” “Are you?” I put one hand on Prime’s arm if only to stir up his anger even more. “Yes. He is the heir of the Kingdom of Wolves. His position is very important and therefore crucial for the Whitemane family.” “Uncle Rowan, what are you talking about?” Prime tensed. “Well, with all due regrets, we do have to marry him off to . . . the likes of you. It jeopardizes everything for Prime’s future.” My fingers tightened around Prime’s arm. I couldn’t even handle my claws coming out. I could have sworn Prime winces a bit. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “As the only heir to the Kingdom, his purpose is to lead the nation of Wolves. But in order to do that, he also has to give the Kingdom an heir to continue the line.” My dead heart skipped a beat. Prime shifts his feet. “Uncle Rowan,” he gripes. “This conversation can wait for another time.” “No, no. Please. Say what you must.” I’m practically making holes around his arm now. Rowan knowingly smirks, knowing that he’s got the best of me. “However, because of the circumstances, he has to marry you. It would be terrible now if Prime won’t be able to continue the line, would he?” “What are you saying here?” There was a hint of anger behind his voice. “I’m just saying, this marriage will help with the Affiliation and all, but it won’t do any good for the Kingdom. I, as the acting leader of the nation, the Beta to your father, will have to step in if I see any threats to the future of our Kingdom. If you are not able to continue the line, you are not going to be able to be the King of Wolves.” A deep rumble of roar shakes through Prime’s chest. I squeeze his arm hard enough to make him not attack his own uncle in the middle of the party. “Uncle Rowan, that is a very bold statement from you.” “Only saying the facts, son. In the Kingdom authenticated rules, if the direct heir of the nation is not capable of continuing the family Whitemane line, with a validated time within one year, he will be substantiated to leave the position and give up the crown.” Prime can only fist his hands. The golden eyes flash red. “With that in mind, I hope you two have a great night.” Rowan leaves like he didn’t just say the most outrageous thing in the world. Prime growls. And then, he suddenly pushes me against the wall. “You better be with a child before the year ends, bloodsucker. I don’t care what it takes. Even if I have to dirty myself with you every single night, I will have you bear my children as much as I want. Do you hear me?” Fear. For the first time since I have known Prime, there is a bit of fear hanging in my heart. “I said, do you understand?” He pushes my chin with his thumb. “Yes,” I breathed. “Yes, I understand.” How the hell did this turn from me being engaged to him, to him forcing me to be his breeder?
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