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“WHAT ARE you doing here?” I hate the fact that he is here, right in my private bedroom, where I do most of my things, where I grew up, where I witnessed so many things that I would rather never mention ever again. I hate that he is here because it makes me worried but exhilarated at the same time. I hate that he is here because his presence, somehow, makes me uneasy. I don’t like that at all. I believe that he doesn’t have that much effect on my heart, but the fact is, when I see him step foot into my bedroom, my heart becomes this stupid beating of a drum that never rests. I hate that he is here because it awakens my dead heart. Prime just kept on walking, ignoring the way I was being truly rude and unwelcoming. But then again, who can ever say no to Prime Whitemane? Who, in their right mind, would ever go against this massive tower of brick, even if he’s the one being impolite by barging into someone’s private bedroom? No one. And no one can ever tell Prime what to do. That answers why he just absolutely refuses to stop even when I tell him to stop. He’s standing right in the middle of my room, looking so out of place with his huge frame and brute force. I feel like I’m standing naked all of a sudden with the way his golden-sparked eyes gaze into me. Can he see right through the fabric? I doubt it. I fidget on my feet, refusing to move because if I move, I would risk coming closer to him. I stuck by the door, hoping that someone else would come and see us. That way, I can find a reason to excuse myself, even if it’s just for a midnight run. Prim raises an eyebrow. “Are you ever going to close the door or are you going to stand there all night long?” Oh, that heavenly voice. I hate the way it makes something inside of me stir. I knew that from the first time I heard the sound of his voice that it would be trouble. It would be a power of mass seduction and I would fall for it. I knew that I would bend my knees just for the way he talked to me. And seriously, I hate that. Shouldn’t I feel disgusted by this wolf? “Are you deaf? You lost your hearing in the span of two hours, missing me?” He mocks. “I don’t miss you!” I almost, almost, stomped my feet like a child. Thankfully, I have a more functional self-control than that. With indignation, I lift my chin up at him. “I’m not going to close the door unless you get the hell out of here. Right now. I don’t recall inviting you here, so, please, get out before I alert everyone of this very inappropriate action.” “Much more inappropriate with the way I took you on the balconies tonight?” I’m pretty sure I’m beat red, but thankfully, one requires blood and functioning organs to do that. Considering I’m a walking corpse, I don’t think I’m fully blushing from his crude comment. I glare at him though, at which he takes it as a challenge. “Close the door now, Hellcat.” “Don’t call me that!” I growl. “Why? It’s my favorite name.” “I hate it. Now get out. I don’t have the energy to deal with you tonight, Alpha Prime.” That was meant as a joke. A sarcastic reply. But I jolt when his eyes flash brightly. It starts from golden lights like stars, and then it reduces into tiny pupils and changes sort of into red crimson blood. It reminds me of our eyes, but I know that it’s nothing like ours. That eye is a sign of a very high hierarchy within the werewolves. It represents power for him. “What—what?” I stammer pathetically. Statically speaking, Vampyrs win much more than Werewolves during the old battles which means I’m kind of more powerful than him. Superior? Maybe. But if he tries anything, the odds are, I can fight him back. The thing is, I have seen the way Prim moves. He’s three times my size and he’s incredibly strong. It will only probably take him one second to shift, and when they are in their Wolf form, they are the most dangerous. I don’t think I can take him now. “Funny. Because that’s not how your body is reacting right now.” I hate the desire that runs down my body, up to my head, probably clear in my eyes. It doesn’t need a genius to know that my mouth and my body are saying two different things. Prime can see that as clear as the day. But I refuse to let him have it. “You’re delusional.” Yeah, I think I’m the one delusional. Prime chuckles. “You vex me. Every single time. Do you know that?” “The feelings are mutual. Now, can you get out?” I open the door wider. “Close the door.” That was an order. Not a demand, not a question, but an order. I inhale a sharp breath, shocked by the sound of his voice. I can’t let him know that he has this much effect on me, but I can’t help it. I started to move to close the door, even though my mind was screaming at me to not do what he told me to. When the door closes with a click, suddenly the air thickens. I can hear the sound of the night creatures outside, serenading us like a piece of background music. Prime takes one step towards me. But I scurry away like a little mouse to the back until I’m flat against the wall. Yeah, so much for showing him he doesn’t scare me at all. I know that Prime will never hurt me. Somehow, even with the hatred between us, I know that he will never stoop that low. Besides, he would want to keep the peace between our kinds intact. He’s the kind that follows rules and does every command, not those who soften and bend everything at their will. Prime will never let his actions jeopardize the affiliation between us, especially after what we did tonight to prevent the disaster. However, seeing him like this, like a predator hunting for its prey, I feel like he can eat me alive if he wants to. “Are you scared?” He actually asks. “Don’t make me laugh.” I’m proud of the way my voice didn’t shake at all. Though, my fingers are. I have to work more on that. When Prime doesn’t back away, I get frustrated. “What do you want, Wolf? What do you need, hmm? What are you doing here instead of in the guest wing like where everybody needs to be?” “I got lost,” is his clever answer. “Really, Prime? Lost? What are you, five? You need to get out before someone sees you here. I don’t think this is very wise. And don’t even try to bring up the balcony tonight,” I add at the last part. “That was different. This is my room.” “I did get lost. The very scary and very terrorizing painting of that old red-haired woman distracted me until I can’t get my footing right.” I narrow my eyes at him. “That’s my ancestor, you impolite brute. Be respectful.” “Ah, that explains the hair.” Prime crosses his arms and appears to be relaxing despite my attempts at kicking him out. “Why does she look like that? And why does the painting smell like that?” If it weren’t because of the situation and the way I want to strangle his neck right now, I would be smiling seeing the adorable confusion in his face. Adorable? More like deathly. Ugh, “It’s painted with blood,” I say nonchalantly. I like the way Prime is a little bit caught off guard by that fact. What can I say? Us Vampyrs are really weird and a bit concerning sometimes. It’s honestly a miracle how all of us still exist and continue to thrive despite the numeral troubles we created in the human world, including almost exposing this side of the world to them. We should be extinct by now. “She’s one of the originals.” “The first Vampyrs in the world.” “This isn’t a history class. Get out.” I might as well use that as my template. Get out, get out, get out, oh dear, magnificent, sexy Alpha. Or don’t. “Funny. I don’t think you truly want me to get out.” Prime tilts his head to the side, making his black curls fall flawlessly. I want to rip those curls out of his head or run my fingers through them, whatever I can do first. “Why should this be inappropriate, Freckles? You are engaged to me.” “This will make people gossip.” “Since when do you care about what people say?” Since I’m always the scapegoat for everything and I would really like to keep things quiet before I have to marry this wolf. But I only sigh, letting my head drop to the wall with a thud. “Just tell me what you’re doing here.” Suddenly, Prime moves at lightning speed. Even for a Vampyr like me. I gasp as he’s suddenly pressed against me. I can feel his warmth, which I somehow miss every single time. His hands are on either side of my head, trapping me within himself and the wall. He levels his head at me, showing his perfect golden eyes that capture me. “I don’t know. Maybe I want to make true of my words. Maybe I want to start planning for that heir.” I gulp. We do mess around sometimes, but it’s never been this private and this tense. The way Prime is looking at me right now is different from all the times we have been together. He always looks like a hungry beast, having his favorite meal. But now, he still looks like that, only his eyes are darker and there is something else brimming from his skin. The need. The desire. The desperation. It’s as if he can’t wait to devour me. Or just hold me. “We’re not married yet,” I force through gritted teeth. “I don’t have the obligation yet.” “Hmm. What difference does it make?” “Prime, you do know that it’s almost impossible, right?” I ask meekly. Prime needs to know about it and I can’t get his hopes up. It would be cruel to make him think that this is something doable. The beast growls. He wraps one hand around my throat, forcing my head up and then he kisses me deep. Hard. I struggle to keep up with him. When he pulls away, both of us are panting, trying to take as much air as we can. Prime presses our foreheads together. “It is possible. I will make it happen.” He growls again. “I will never let anyone else lead my Kingdom and be the leader of my nation.” “I know but—” Suddenly, Prime hoists me up. I have no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist. “There is no but. If we have to do it every single day, every hour, every minute, we will. I will impregnate you, little obedient Vampyr. And you will become the mother of my children.” “Prime, wait—” “Starting from now.” I don’t remember how it happened or when it happened, but by the time I realize, I’m already taken by him, with desperation for an heir to the Wolf Kingdom.
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