Chapter 4

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~MIDNIGHT'S POV~ The nurse pulled me into her office and told me how if I don't get this taken care of it’s going to get much worse. I tell her that I’d take it into consideration as I left. Damon fallowed me out of the nurse’s office and down a few halls. I turn down one hall to see if he was fallowing me, but he continues his way. I hope the rest of the day goes by quickly. I hear the bell go off and drag myself to my last period. As I sit down, I grab my phone. I message my brother to either drop my car off or pick me up because I don't feel like walking home. He agreed and told me my car will be parked near the back exist. For the entire class I ignore the teacher and stare out the window. Once the bell goes off, I go to my locker to grab my bag and jacket. I slowly make my way to my car when I spot Damon talking to the blonde chick from lunch. By the looks of it they are arguing. I try to avoid them since I don’t want to listen to her b***h me out plus he already knows some of my secrets. Plus, I feel like if I continue to talk to him, he will try to get closer to me.  I really don’t want that. He spots me and begins walking up to my car. I grab my keys from my bag and rush to unlock the door but during the process I drop my keys. Just my f*****g luck. "Here let me get those for you." He says flashing me a bright smile. I sigh.  "Thanks, but I can grab my own keys." “Don’t worry about.” I put my earphones in after taking my keys from him. I hate acting like a snob, but I must maintain my ground. I cannot allow him to get close. I’m positive something going on between Blondie and him anyways, I don’t want to get involved in that kind of drama. Damon pulls one of my earphones out of my ears and I look him square in the eye. "What the hell?"                                                                          "Sorry, but I have a question for you." He says randomly, his voice deep but gentle at the same time. "Same here." I tell him. "You ask first." “Fine. Why do you waste your time with me? No one likes me...oh and what’s up with you and Clarissa? I thought you said you were new and didn’t know anyone.”                                                                                      "She and I have known each other for an exceptionally long time, ill admit that. And to answer your first question, I find you interesting and very unique.  Which brings me to my question. Would you like to go out with me?" I’m shocked. What do I say? I look down at the ground, no one has ever asked me out before, I have always considered myself ugly. I want to say no but I can’t help but feel like he’s hiding something from me. Is there an ulterior motive? I hesitate. “why?” “cause, I like you.” “you barely know me!” “than let me get to know you.” "fine, sounds like fun." I say sarcastically. “Sweet. How bout I pick you up at 6?” “Alright, where are we going?” "How about the beach it's still warm out, so the water should still be nice." "Sure." I droll out. "Great see you tonight!" He smiles. He starts walking away and I can't help but laugh quietly to myself. He never even asked where to pick me up! I unlocked the doors to my car. I got it as a gift from my brother when I turned 18. I start the car and the radio starts playing Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana which happens to be one of my favorite songs. As I drive home, I can't help but sing along. As I do, I think of what bathing suit to wear and how this date is going to go that is if he can find me. When I get home, I run up to my room and search my dresser for a cute bathing suit. Might as well try to look good. I find the perfect one and put it on. Its a black bikini that ties around my neck and back. I don't bother doing anything with my hair since it will just get ruined anyways. So, I leave it down. I throw on my long black strapless dress to cover up my bathing suit and I walk down the stairs bumping into my brother Jason. Jason has dark brow hair and dark eyes. He has the necklace that dad gave him when we found out he was dying on. He has a small amount of hair on his chin and he doesn't seem to be in a good mood. He has the same expression on his face when he found out that Lilac was leaving and never coming back. Was he worried about me not coming home after tonight? I doubt it. It's just a date right?  "Where are you going Mindy?" He asks using his nickname for me. His voice is deep and a little raspy but not in a bad way. It really suits him. "On a date!" I smile. "Do I know the guy?" "probably not since we just moved here.” I say. “Now stop with the questions, I don’t want to be late!" "Does mom know?" "No. she knows I’m going out, but she doesn’t know it’s a date." I say. ~DAMON'S POV~ I pull into the driveway of the house Lilac told me to pick her up in. It is quite large. The front lawn was filled with flowers. I step out of my car and start walking towards the door when I see a man leaning in the doorway. “You better treat my little sister right Damon!” I continue walking towards the front door, feeling kind of nervous. I would have been fine if he wasn’t out here waiting. Even though I have the bad boy reputation at my real school I can’t help it. Its like I’m walking into a trap.  Standing in the doorway is a tall man, he has very dark hair and eyes that look black. He has an edgy feeling to him and it’s making me of all people uncomfortable. Behind him stands a Midnight. Her long hair is left down, and her dress is gorgeous on her, it fits her perfectly. "Damon!" She runs up to me giving me a quick hug. I smile a little since she reminds me of my sister Clarissa when she was a kid. "This is my brother Jason!" "Hello Jason, it’s nice to meet you." I say flashing a smile. Lilac never even mentioned a brother, did she leave her family on a bad note? "Yeah whatever, just bring her back and keep her safe got it?" "I won’t let anything bad happen to her, I swear on my life." I say. "What li...." Midnight starts dragging me away from her house before he could finish his sentence. Her brother seems off like he knows something is going to happen tonight. Or he knows something about me, what can I say he's not wrong to worry! It’s going to be harder to go through with my plan though, I'll just have to keep her out long enough for her to pass out. This way I can text her brother saying she fell asleep so I will be taking her to my place. It won’t be a huge lie but will it be good enough? I hope so. I open Midnight's door like a gentleman and quickly run over to my side and jump in, this is going to be one confusing night. But at least it will be well spent. "So, what do you think we will be doing at the beach Damon?" Midnight asks sweetly. "Whatever you'd like to do." I say with a smile trying to keep my cool while I slowly lose my mind. "Hmm... why don't we stop off at a store to get some snacks and some drinks? I have money to pay." She says. "Sure we'll go to the store but you are not going to pay, it's the man’s job to buy a women what she wants." I say. "Oh wow never thought you of all people would be that kind of guy...” She says disapprovingly. "Well I think on the first date I should pay." "So, do you want me to create a game plan for tonight's events?" She asks waiting for my response. "Sure, if that's what you'd like to do." I say leaving all the choices up to her. "Alright." She says. The rest of the drive to the store is quiet. Which I don’t mind, I find it quite hard to talk to her. She stares out the window half the time and sometimes glances down at her hands. There are a few times where I catch her staring at me with a smile plastered on her face so I guess that’s a plus. once we reached the store I turn and face her, its one of the few times where she’s looking at me with that stunning smile of hers. "So, Midnight what kind of food and drinks shall I grab?" I ask breaking the silence between us. "Hmm... How about 4 chocolate bars, one Aero bar the other a Reese's bar. Two Chocolate bars of your choice, a bag of regular chips and onion dip, a bottle of pomegranate soda and a bottle of whatever you'd like to drink." She says. "Alright I'll be back shortly." "Ok." She says as she glances out the window.
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