
433 Words
The sun streamed through the sheds at Tidmouth Sheds, illuminating a scene of gentle chaos. Thomas was polishing his buffers with extra care, humming a tune slightly off-key. Percy, ever the observant one, noticed. "Thomas," he began cautiously, "you seem… brighter than usual." Thomas chuckled, a nervous sound. He glanced around, then leaned closer to Percy. "Percy," he whispered, "there's something I need to tell you." Percy, sensing the gravity of the moment, nodded seriously. He’d always admired Thomas’s bravery, even if it sometimes manifested as reckless rushing. Thomas took a deep breath. "I… I'm gay." The words hung in the air, light and yet heavy with unspoken years. Percy's initial surprise quickly faded into understanding. He’d always known Thomas was different, somehow, but he hadn't quite known how to articulate it. "Oh," Percy said softly. "Well, that explains a few things." He chuckled, a relieved sound. "Like why you always seemed so fascinated by those beautifully painted carriages at the Harwick branch line." Thomas laughed, a genuine, joyous sound. "Yes, well, beauty is beauty, isn't it?" He blushed slightly. The revelation wasn't met with the expected drama. Percy’s acceptance was a quiet comfort, a warm blanket on a slightly chilly day. News travels fast on the Island of Sodor, however. Soon, the other engines were drawn into the conversation. Gordon, initially skeptical, listened with surprising openness. He'd always found Thomas's enthusiasm for his work admirable, and this revelation didn't change that. He simply offered a gruff but heartfelt, "Right then." Henry, ever the romantic, offered a thoughtful, "I understand, Thomas. Love is love, after all." Even Diesel, with his usual cynicism, couldn't help but offer a grudging, "Fair enough." He'd always secretly admired Thomas's determination. James, however, was initially flustered. He stammered, "But… but you're… a… a *boy* engine!" He quickly recovered, however, realizing the absurdity of his statement. "I mean… it doesn't matter! It's your life, Thomas. We're all friends here." Sir Topham Hatt, upon hearing the news, simply nodded. "Thomas," he said, his voice calm and reassuring, "as long as you continue to work hard and be a good engine, that's all that matters to me." The episode ended with Thomas, surrounded by his friends, feeling a sense of relief and acceptance he'd never known before. He was still Thomas, the hardworking, helpful tank engine, but now he was also Thomas, the openly gay tank engine. And that, he realized, made all the difference. The sun shone brighter, the air felt clearer, and the journey ahead, while still full of challenges, felt a little less daunting, a little more… joyful.
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