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Wyatt POV As I saw Misty's coven members enter her room, a sense of foreboding washed over me. I could feel trouble brewing in the air. Though I knew Misty possessed formidable power and could hold her own in a fight, I couldn't shake the feeling that her own family was setting her up for failure. When Misty finally slipped out into the darkness with them, I made the decision to trail behind, against my usual nature of helping others only when necessary. It wasn't just duty that compelled me, but a deep-rooted belief that Misty belonged with me, and I would do whatever it took to keep her safe even if it meant I locked her away for her own safety. I grabbed a vial of potion and downed it, my appearance shifting to blend in with the shadows. Maintaining a safe distance, I followed Misty and her coven members as they ventured through the woods. With each step they took, my unease grew stronger. I recognized the path they were taking; it was an area where the King conducted his sinister drug experiments. It was far from safe, and I knew Misty's coven had a hand in creating that vile concoction. Their desire to rid this world of the curse was true, but they also wanted to harness its power for their own gain. If they succeeded, they would become unstoppable. From the moment I learned who Misty truly was and understood her beliefs, I could see through her mother's scheme. Misty had been sent here to meet her demise. They would either kill her and lay blame on my coven or the werewolves, or worse, use her as a test subject. All I knew for certain was that Misty's life was intended to reach its end in this place and soon. And I was resolute in preventing that outcome. I observed from a hidden spot as they settled a short distance away from the werewolves' cabin. I, too, found a hiding place, ensuring I had a clear view to observe. However, the moment things took a turn for the worse, I was prepared to whisk her away with me. I knew her lack of trust in me would lead to resistance, but I had no other choice. I was determined in my decision to capture her. Coincidentally, I owned a property nearby, not too far from this location. My plan was to bring her there and keep her safe until she saw the truth or until I was confident she was out of harm's way. I refused to let her perish, even if it meant she despised me. Her being alive was paramount to me. As I watched, a wagon arrived, and three wolf prisoners were unloaded and escorted into the cabin. However, I couldn't help but notice the guard's quick glance in the direction of Misty and her coven. This made me shake my head in realization. It was undoubtedly a setup. As I shifted my gaze towards Misty, I could see that she had also become aware of the situation. Nobody could see me, and I continued to observe her intently, like a hawk. I could see the gears turning in her mind, her eyes carefully concealing her knowledge from her coven members. But I could read her face, detecting the hint of understanding. I had to proceed cautiously, ensuring I wasn't caught, as maintaining a good relationship with the kingdom was crucial to keeping a watchful eye on the curse. Confident in my abilities, a sudden flash of light illuminated the cabin, signaling that the moment had arrived. I observed as several of the king's warriors emerged, charging towards Misty's coven. She prepared to fight, her spellcasting skills unmatched in speed. However, the odds were stacked against her. Her coven members, who should have been her allies, were now her enemies. Outnumbered, she fought valiantly but was clearly in a losing battle. I could sense her caution, her growing doubts about her family and coven. Despite this, she still held onto a glimmer of trust, believing they wouldn't outright deceive her. Seizing the opportunity, the male warlock behind her injected her with something before she could react. I watched as she stumbled back against him, fiercely attempting to continue fighting. In that moment, I cast a spell, causing a small explosion near me to catch the attention of a warrior who ran in my direction. Hidden well, I chanted an attack spell, unleashing a dark and poisonous fog that enveloped him. The warrior collapsed, helpless against the toxic mist. With a quick glance, I downed another potion, assuming his appearance fast. I sprinted towards the group of warriors, my heart pounding with adrenaline. "I'll grab the witch," I declared, my voice steady. Thankfully, they acknowledged my words. Making my way towards her coven members, I could see the anticipation in their eyes. "Our leader has upheld her end of the deal, wolf. We expect the same from you," the warlock holding her spoke to me, his voice laced with caution. The urge to unleash my fury on them surged through me, but I suppressed it. I had never taken a life before, only inflicted injuries. However, in this moment, I would have gladly made my first kill if it weren't for the need to maintain my facade. Misty struggled fiercely against the warlock's grip, but her powers were rendered useless. Behind my back, I clenched my hand, conjuring the illusion of pulling out handcuffs from my pocket. These cuffs would continue to suppress her powers, ensuring she wouldn't be able to fight me. "Restrain her," I commanded, handing over the cuffs. I then conjured a blindfold and handed it to them as well. "The drug," the warlock questioned, seeking confirmation. I nodded, and another warrior presented the drug. They forcefully pushed Misty towards me, causing her to stumble. "You'll regret this," she snapped, her voice filled with defiance. As I grabbed hold of her, the substance they had given her weakened her, making her incapable of resisting my grip. I lifted her into my arms, and the coven members departed. Now, my priority was getting her out of this place. "Load her into one of the cages in the wagon and bring her to the King. He wants her in his lab," one of the warriors ordered me. It seemed like an easy escape plan. As I carried her, I observed the large cages in the back of the wagon. One of the other warriors opened one up, and I carefully placed her inside. He proceeded to gag her, ensuring her silence. "Can't have her making a fuss," he growled, stepping away to give me space. Luck was not always on my side, but tonight it seemed to favor me, and for that, I was immensely grateful. I could hear Misty's muffled screams for a good fifteen minutes, the sound piercing through the silence. I remained motionless, refraining from any action or conversation that could potentially expose us. Eventually, her screams subsided, and I altered my course, veering off in a different direction. I needed to put a considerable distance between us and our previous location. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally came to a halt. I carefully lifted her out of the cage, noticing that she had passed out from the effects of the substance she was given. Cradling her in my arms, I began the journey to my property, still a few miles away. To avoid detection, I traversed through the dense woods, the rustling leaves and faint sounds of wildlife accompanying my every step. As I crossed the barrier of my property, a wave of relief washed over me, easing the weight of the situation. I carried her gently up to my bed. With a sigh, I carefully placed her down, her body sinking into the mattress. Shaking my head, I knew that simply releasing her would result in her leaving, as her lack of trust in me was evident. I couldn't blame her for that. However, I hoped she was starting to realize the truth. Realizing that I had no setup to keep her contained, I had no choice but to keep her restrained for now. I walked out of the room for a moment, the floor creaking beneath my weight, and retrieved some rope from my closet. Returning to her side, I whispered softly, "I doubt you will ever forgive me, but maybe someday you will realize I'm doing all this because I'm already in love with you." I carefully tied her legs together, feeling the rough texture of the rope against my skin. Ensuring that she wouldn't be able to walk, I then secured her upper arms, even though her wrists were already restrained. I needed to make sure she couldn't move around, as I knew the magic cuffs may not be enough to hold her here. Sitting at the foot of my bed, I rested my head in my hands, the weight of my actions sinking in. After about an hour, she began to stir, her awakening accompanied by a sense of panic. As expected, she tried to fight free. Taking a deep breath, I spoke calmly, "I'm going to remove your gag first, and I will slowly release you as long as I trust you won't run. I can't promise how long that will take, but I can assure you that you are safe." Her muffled protests continued under the gag as I released it from her mouth. "I swear you will regret doing this to me," she spat out angrily. "I'm not the one who was going to trade you for an experimental drug."I responded. Her voice laced with sarcasm, she retorted, "If that were the truth, I would not be tied up." "You're restrained because I can read you enough to know you will run. And right now, you are in far too much danger. Your coven wants you dead. They don't care about you. Don't you see? This was all one huge set up. Right now, I'm the only one you can trust. And unless you allow me to unlock the power blocked in you, you need me to keep you safe."I tried to explain. Standing up, I continued, "I'll give you some time to reflect and think things over. I'll be back." "You're seriously going to leave me like this?" She spoke with disbelief. "Until I know you won't put yourself in danger, yes. Although I do not like doing this one bit, I will keep you tied up as long as it takes. And remember, I have an eternity like you, Misty. Hate me, that's fine. As long as I know you're safe, I can live with myself." I replied. I left my property, the wind rustling through the trees as I quickly made my way to the inn. Upon arrival, I packed up my belongings. Though my property was not far, I preferred not to conduct business there so I typically stayed away. I made my way back when done. The sun was beginning to rise, casting a warm golden glow on the horizon as I reached my home. Entering my room, I noticed that Misty was no longer in the bed. Instead, she lay on the floor, her fall causing a sigh to escape my lips. Carefully, I lifted her up, feeling her slight weight in my arms. "Don't touch me," she snapped, her voice laced with defiance, as I placed her in a chair and secured her with rope. Removing the blindfold from her eyes, I saw that they were swollen from crying, a sight that pained me deeply. "For a moment, I thought you may actually be good," Misty spat, her words piercing the air. "I can't believe I fell for tricks my own heart was playing on me." Ignoring her bitter words, I retrieved a potion and a glass of water that I had brought with me. Holding the potion to her lips, I urged her to drink, but she kept them sealed shut. "You were drugged, and it's still affecting you. This potion will reverse the effects, it won't harm you," I explained softly. To demonstrate, I took a small sip myself, savoring the taste on my tongue. Finally, she reluctantly opened her mouth, allowing me to administer the potion. I followed it with a few sips of water, hoping to quench her thirst. "Please, let me go," she pleaded, her voice now calmer, desperation seeping through her words. "I can't until I'm sure you won't run," I replied calmly, my voice steady. "Why are you keeping me like this? I believe you, my coven deceived me and turned on me. I should not have been such a fool. But that does not change the fact that I serve a purpose to protect the balance of all creatures. I need to leave and do that," she insisted. "Have you figured out who killed the last coven members sent here, Misty?" I asked. "Your own coven was responsible. I understand your purpose, as we all have the same one. But you're not going to do any good helping maintain the balance dead. So no, I won't let you go right now. And unfortunately, I don't trust that if I release you, you won't run. I will remove some of your restraints soon so you're more comfortable, but you're not leaving this house any time soon," I said firmly, as she muttered curses under her breath. "Now, I do have work I must do. I can bring you to my office, or you can stay in this room," I explained to her. "I'll stay here," she muttered in a defeated tone. I undid the rope holding her to the chair and lifted her once again. "I really don't like you touching and holding me," she whispered. "Noted," I responded, placing her gently on my bed. "The rope hurts," she complained. "Fine, I'll remove it. Stay still," I said as I undid the rope and instead tied a piece to the cuffs on her wrists and the base of my bed, ensuring she couldn't leave. "I really do not take pleasure in trapping you. In fact, this hurts me. I've never liked anyone, never felt any feelings towards a single person other than my family. But the fact is, I love you. I have since the moment our eyes connected at that bar. So I'm going to keep you safe, and I'm going to help you see just how powerful you really are," I said, leaning over her momentarily before taking a step back. "And here I thought you were going to kiss me again," she whispered. "I'm only doing that again when you really want me to, and when you stop telling yourself we can't be together. I don't have you up here to take advantage of you. I may work for scum, but in no way am I like them. I won't deny that I want to kiss you, but I also want you to want me, or at least admit the truth to yourself that you do. I'll be back up later to check on you and I'll bring food. Try and get some rest," I said as I pulled myself away. I really do hope she realizes sooner than later that I'm the one helping. She is not safe away from this place right now. Not only does her coven clearly want her dead, but a trade was made for her, meaning she holds some sort of value to the Werewolf king. It's up to me to keep her safe.
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