Chapter 3

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“Lead the way, Squirt”, he said, using Fiona’s nickname for me. We headed in the direction of the office. “Are you excited about this afternoon’s pack function?” he asked. “Goddess, no,” I laughed. “I plan on disappearing as soon as Alpha Conrad completes the ceremony. Besides, we all know this ceremony is about you. I am being included just because I happened to graduate at the same time as you.” Ian c****d his eyebrow at me and said “I don’t think you realize just how much the pack members look up to you. Everyone really likes and respects you.” I just snorted at him, but thankfully, we reached the office before he could say anything else. I passed in my books, picked up my transcript of marks, and the originals of my awards and certificates. Once in the parking lot, Fiona and Ian left together, while I joined Mom and Dad in our car to head home and freshen up before the pack gathering. “So, Ellie, are you planning on staying for the party after the ceremony is completed” my mom asked as she met my eyes in the rearview mirror. “Nope” I responded. “I am heading home for a cup of hot chocolate and a few of your shortbread cookies if that’s okay with you. I have some Christmas presents I want to wrap, and I want to watch a movie after that". Mom and Dad exchanged glances, then mom said, “Dad and I need to chat with you before you get into your movie. So how about we leave together right after the ceremony?” I stared at mom. “Sure, I guess”. ‘What in the world is up with this’, I thought to myself. “Don’t stress about it’, I heard my wolf Jade whisper in my head. ‘Remember, we got this. You can handle anything with me’. I nodded silently to myself and turned to gaze at the passing scenery for the rest of the drive home. We didn’t live in the packhouse as most Beta families would. Mom and Dad said they preferred the privacy of a single-family home. I often wondered what happened as we had lived in the packhouse until I was three. We pulled into our driveway. I got out of the car, grabbing my backpack and the envelope with my documents. Mom carried my diploma. She was so proud of me that she didn’t want to let go of it. Once in the house, I headed to my room. Might as well wrap those presents now. I had a feeling I wouldn’t feel like doing it after my ‘chat’ with mom and dad. It didn’t take me long to finish that task, as gift bags, ribbon, and tissue paper are wonderful things. I really hope whoever invented those things knows how thankful millions of people are for their inventions. I know I sure am. I put the wrapped gifts on the top of my bookshelf, then sat at my desk. Opening the envelope, I looked over my transcript of marks. Though it wasn’t a surprise, I did grin to myself as I looked at the columns of A+’s. I aced every course, even chemistry and biology, my least favorite subjects. Not that they weren’t interesting to me. Just that I had learned something that was a bit upsetting to me at the time. But it was something I never discussed with anyone other than Ms. Rankin. She had been very comforting and advised me to take time to process the information before jumping to any conclusions. Maybe that was going to be the subject of my ‘chat’ with my parents. Soon I heard mom calling “Ellie, we must leave for the packhouse in about 10 minutes. So, get a move on. We don’t want to be late and hold up the ceremony”. “Be down in a minute”, I hollered back before going to the bathroom to freshen up. I ran downstairs, put on my boots and coat before racing out to the car. Mom and Dad were already seated and ready to go. We were at the packhouse 5 minutes later. Entering the packhouse, we were met by Alpha and Luna, as well as their 14-year-old daughter, Joy. She and I were best friends and did everything together. As the Beta couple, my parents always entered any gathering right behind the Alpha and Luna. I greeted Alpha and Luna, then told my parents I would see them later. Linking arms with Joy, we strolled to the ballroom, chatting all the way. We were trying to decide if we wanted to attend the teen skating party being held tomorrow or go on a hayride that was open to all pack members. In the end, we decided to see what we felt like when we got up in the morning. I still had an uneasy feeling about my upcoming “chat” with my parents. Just then, the Alpha, Luna, my parents, the Gamma couple as well as the Delta couple entered the ballroom and headed to the stage, which drew the pack members' eyes, and they all fell silent. The Alpha took the microphone and welcomed them all to the ceremony. He then asked me and Ian to join him on stage. Ian motioned me to the stage ahead of him. I joined my parents and Ian went to stand beside his mom. The Alpha gestured for me to come forward and then proceeded to say basically the same things about me that Principal Merrithew had said earlier. Then he added “Ellie will make a great Luna for a pack once she reaches the age of 18.” He then winked at Ian, as if giving him a nudge to look in my direction. I glanced at my parents to see a startled look briefly cross their faces. What the heck was that about? I found his comment deeply disturbing, especially as he had looked at Ian in a manner that suggested he wanted Ian to look at me as his mate. No freaking way! Ian's face also betrayed shock and confusion, that then turned to irritation. I could see him searching the crowd for Fiona, and to gauge her reaction. I could tell when their eyes met, as he gave a tiny shake of his head, to indicate that his father's words were not well received by him. Thank the Goddess for that! I smiled at Alpha Conrad, and said, “thank you for your kind words and your confidence in my abilities. But I am far too young to even think about a mate. I have a lot of growing up to do, and a lot of goals to achieve before I am ready for a mate. Of course, I will wait for the Moon Goddess to reveal who my mate is to be and will only be with the one she chooses for me, no matter his rank.” Then I stepped back, bowed to the Alpha and Luna, hugged my parents, then left the stage to join Joy and Fiona at the back of the ballroom for the rest of the ceremony. Fiona's eyes darted back and forth between me and the Alpha, then to me again. “What the heck was that about?” she asked with a bite in her voice. “Is the Alpha planning on having you mated to Ian”? I honestly thought she was going to cry.
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