Chapter 6: The best feeling ever

1262 Words
I touched the bowl and cursed, "Fridge magnets that's hot!" Damn, how could I forget? I grabbed the dishcloth and placed the bowl onto the table. "Weeeeeeeee!" The spice cheered as it fell onto the noodles. I smiled and mixed it all together with a fork. "Hey, Mrs Cheese. Since this spice is cheese flavoured are you by any chance related?" "Why yes, that is correct." She replied. Me = big brains. "Snap this is delicious!" I beamed and twisted more noodles around my fork. "Why do you taste so good today?" I asked but the noodles didn't reply. I shrugged and continued eating. "Mr Taylen, please close that fridge." The nanny ordered as she walked through the kitchen. She was half her original size and had a massive bobblehead! I laughed and stretched over to slam the fridge door shut. I looked down but my noodles were already finished. Sadness. The food had gone quiet again, the nanny probably scared them off. Oh well, time to go find out what else there is with my newfound sight. I put my bowl into the basin and ran to the stairs with what felt like super speed! What? Awesome balls. I could literally be a superhero. That group of boys must just try to mess with me now. I flashed up to my room and landed on my bed. My tin went flying and the pills scattered around my room. My blanket felt so soft and fluffy! It was even warm and smelt like sunshine. Wait, can we even smell sunshine? Well, now I can! I laughed and sat up. My reflection in the mirror caught my attention. The normal blonde hair I usually had started glowing, and my blue eyes sparkled like the ocean. I rubbed the bruise on my cheek and it slightly faded. So I rubbed harder and the bruise disappeared! I no longer needed a cover story. This day just kept getting better and better! 12 March 2021 was from now on the best day of my life. "Oooooh see me there in the mirror looking so fine. I'm just being me!" I sang and starting jumping on my bed. Hip music started playing by itself and I made up my own song. "This is how we have fun. Da da da. Jumping high, ha! Being high. Just come with me and you will see. This is how we are free!" I shouted. Those aren't too bad lyrics if I do say so myself. I then missed my step and fell off my bed. I hit my head and gave myself a carpet burn on my right arm. Ouch! No more jumping. The sound of Jibins car made me get up and run over to the window. Did I mention he was my neighbour? He was home from work early today. Oh yeah, he's 28. Don't judge okay! I know we 13 years apart. Shhhh. My parents don't know we dating or even know I'm gay. I was about to head over to his place when I realised I'm still in my school uniform. Eww, no. I quickly dug through my wardrobe, put on a plain white shirt and a pair of blue baggies. I slipped into my slops and then off I went. I looked awesome! I stepped outside and saw a bunch of unicorns on the lawn. They were magnificent! With rainbow-coloured hair and crystal horns. I watched as they grazed on my grass and chased the butterflies from my mom's rose bushes. I need to show Jibin these amazing creatures before they galloped away. I ran to his door and knocked twice before opening it and walking in. His house reeked of weed, and smoke came from the lounge. "Jibin! Jibin?" I called as I walked over. "Uh dude, hello." He marvelled and took a pull from his joint. "Man you have to come see this. Unicorns dude! In my yard." "Woah bro, are you tripping right now?" "Uh no. Dude the meth you gave me were your flu pills." I laughed. "Nah, Nah. You tripping good! Come here, sit." He remarked so I sat down next to him. "Close your eyes and picture yourself on a cloud." He whispered and took my hand in his to lift it higher. I felt like I started floating and a voluminous smile spread across my face. "Dude! Dude, it's working." "Shhh just enjoy the moment." He mumbled and I felt him rest his head on my shoulder. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and placed my hand on his leg. I wanted to feel him while everything still felt perfect. I slowly moved higher and stopped by his inner thigh. "Bro, what are you doing?" He moaned and sat upright. "Nothing man. Just relax." I replied and leaned in to place a kiss on his lips. They were so soft today, and he tasted amazing once he opened his lips a bit wider. I felt brave, so I slipped my tongue into his mouth and quickly pulled it out. "What was that?" He laughed and pulled away from me. "I...I'm just trying something new." "Taylen we have spoken about this. We will wait until you are 16, then I will show you what pleasure is." He snapped, then added, "Sorry I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just been a long day." "I'm sorry for trying to take chances." I apologized then leaned back onto the couch. Jibin snuggled closer to me and placed a kiss on my neck. I closed my eyes and felt calm, nothing could go wrong. My life was perfect and all I needed was this man beside me. "Dude, Taylen," Jibin stated as he softly shook me awake. I had fallen asleep on the couch. "It's almost 5. Your parents will be home soon." He added. I yawned and stretched my legs out in front of me. "Thanks for waking me up." I sleepily replied. "You are adorable." He smiled and helped me up. "How are you feeling?" "Happy. Like extremely happy." "That's good at least. Now head home and take a warm shower okay. Also, drink lots of water and have something to eat." He ordered and walked me to his front door. "I'll see you tomorrow," I remarked as I stepped outside. "Always." He replied and I ran back home. The nanny was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen so I shot up to my room. It was a complete mess! Clothes, blankets and pillows lay all over. When did this happen? I quickly cleaned up and picked up the pills which I shoved back into my safe spot. I then hopped into the shower and threw on my pyjamas. I headed downstairs as I heard the front door open. "Taylen, honey we home." My mum shouted. "Hey, mum. How was work?" I asked and gave her a hug hello. "How was school kiddo?" My Pa inquired and messed up my hair. "Taylen baby! Why do you have a bruise on your face?" Mum gasped. Oh, snap, I guess I didn't rub it off. "Just fell at school." That was my response. "Honey don't fuss over him, he's a boy, not a snowflake." Pa laughed and headed to the dining room. That stabbed my heart. I knew by snowflake he meant gay. I hid the pain those words caused me and went to join my family for dinner. I still felt happy so it was easier to pretend. At least tonight was Wednesday and that meant lasagne. Delicious! 
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