Chapter 1

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Aria "When a door shuts, another one becomes available." That has always been my belief. Today I am going to take my first stride into my future. My eighteenth birthday. The day I’d finally be recognized as more than the weakest wolf in the Shadow Moon Pack. Today was supposed to be my Luna ceremony, the day I was to stand next to my mate, Alpha Mason. I stood before the mirror, toying with the white dress hanging on my small frame. My hands were shaking with anticipation, not with fear this time. Always being told I was too weak, too insignificant to make a difference, it was all going to change, at that very moment. Today, I'll be Luna. The drums outside signaled the start of the ceremony. I swallowed hard, staring at my reflection. “This is it, Aria," I whispered to myself, forcing a smile. “This is your moment.” As I walked towards the hall, the whispers started. “Look, it’s Aria. She really thinks she can be Luna?” “She’s too weak for Alpha Mason.” They hurt me with their words, but I walked with my head up, and I just hoped that once Mason finally made me his Luna, they would all have to respect me. He would defend me and stand by my side. He was my mate, after all. He had to love me. Right? A room full of wolves, all staring at me, as I walked down the aisle to the middle, where Mason was, tall and strong. When our gazes met, his icy blue eyes sent a chill down my spine instead of a sense of comfort. "Aria." The sound of his voice reverberated loudly throughout the room. I smiled at him and waiting for those couple of words that would change my life. “I, Alpha Mason Stone, reject you, Aria Summers, as my mate and Luna." My smile froze, time seemed to stop. I blinked, sure I had misheard him. The room fell deathly silent as everyone waited for my response. “What?” My voice cracked, barely audible. “I reject you,” Mason repeated, his voice harder, colder. “You are not worthy of being my Luna.” My heart shattered in an instant. The bond we were meant to share, the one I had longed for, was torn apart. The rejection hit me like a blow to my gut, leaving me gasping for air. I felt the stares of everyone on me, their whispers getting louder and more mocking, as if they were all part of some joke. Lydia advanced a step, an evil grin widening her mouth. The Beta's precious golden child, who has always been envious of my relationship with Mason, and has never once failed to take a chance to remind me of my place beneath her. She moved in next to Mason, her hand slipping possessively over his arm. “Did you really think you could be Luna?" She sneered. “You’re nothing, Aria. Weak. Useless. A disgrace." The pack exploded into laughter and their jeers cut right through me. I wanted to die, to crawl in a hole and die, but I was frozen, tears burning the back of my eyes. I couldn’t cry. Not in front of them. Not in front of Mason. “I… I don’t understand," I stammered, my voice barely a whisper. I looked at Mason pleading, praying for some kind of explanation for this, some sort of reasoning behind this nightmare. He didn’t even look at me. “You are not Luna material,” Mason said coldly. “But I have other plans for you.” Before I could question him, two of his guards came up behind me. They randomly grabbed my arms and dragged me back from the center of the room. When they dragged me down to the dungeon, fear creeped down my spine. “No, please!" I cried, struggling against their iron grip, but they were too strong. The pack’s laughter followed me, echoing in my ears as I was pulled away. “Alpha Mason, please!" I screamed his name, hoping he would stop this, hoping that this was some horrible mistake. But he never looked back. The dungeon was dark and frigid, with an overpowering smell of mold and wet stone. I was thrown to the ground by the guards, and before I could stand up, one of them gave me a forceful kick to the ribs. I drew my body into a ball and cringed as pain went through my body as I took a deep breath. “Pathetic," the guard muttered before walking out, slamming the door behind him. I stayed there, lying on the cold floor, bruised and battered, with tears running down my face. Not just from the physical pain, but from the humiliation, the betrayal. I had believed in Mason. I had thought that, as my mate, he would protect me. But he had rejected me in front of everyone, on my birthday. Hours passed in the dark, the pain of my body intensifying with each breath. I couldn’t move, couldn’t think. I just cried and cried, and my wails ricocheted off the empty dungeon. My heart was shattered, my spirit crushed. And then, the door creaked open. Fear settled in my stomach, as Mason entered the dungeon. He was holding a tray of food and a bottle of water, his expression unreadable as he walked towards me. I actually thought that he came to apologize, to set things straight. But then he smirked. “How’s my little wolf doing?" His voice was taunting, full of mockery. I said nothing, staring up at him with wide, tear-filled eyes. “Hungry?” he asked, crouching down beside me. He held a piece of bread out, but when I reached for it, he yanked it back. “You don’t get to eat like a human, Aria," he said coldly. “You eat like the dog you are.” My stomach turned in disgust, but I was so hungry, so needy. I couldn't help my hands shaking as I sank to my knees. Mason smirked, holding the bread just out of reach. “Come on, Aria. Eat.” Swallowing my pride, I lowered myself and bit the piece of bread out of his hand, feeling utterly humiliated. He chuckled as I chewed, the taste of shame bitter on my tongue. “Good girl," he said, petting my head like I was some animal. My skin crawled under his touch, but I kept eating, tears slipping down my cheeks. I ate the last of the bread and he opened the water bottle and just spilled some on the floor. “Drink,” he ordered. I just looked at the puddle of water on the dirty floor, mouth dry, and pride destroyed. But I was so thirsty, and there was nothing else. I brought my face down to the floor slowly and took a sip of the cold water searing my throat as the tears dripped in the puddle. Mason laughed softly, watching me with cold amusement. “Look at you," he said, standing up and looking down at me. "The future Luna, begging in the dirt like a dog. Pathetic.” I slumped on my heels, feeling disgust churn in my gut as I used the back of my hand to wipe my lips. Not just at him, but at myself. For letting him do this to me. For being so weak. "I'm going to make you my mistress." Mason blurted out, very low and very threatening. “You’ll never be Luna, but you’ll still serve me. And you won’t have a choice, Aria. You’re mine.” My heart dropped. The word mistress echoed in my mind, filling me with a sense of dread so deep it was suffocating. I shook my head, "No," I whispered. “No...” “Yes,” Mason said, his smile cruel. “You will. Or I’ll make sure you suffer for the rest of your life. You think today was bad? You have no idea what I’m capable of.” Mason took a final pleased glance at me, then exited the dungeon, shutting the door. I was alone again. All alone in the dark, but with the burden of my shame sitting on my shoulders. Though my body hurt, the agony deep within my soul hurt far more. He had stolen my self-respect and dignity, and now he was going to take what little was left of me. One thought forced its way to the surface even through the fog of suffering and shame. I had to get out. I couldn’t stay here, couldn’t let Mason break me any more than he already had. I had to get away, even though it meant forfeiting everything that I had known. I wiped the tears from my face with trembling hands, forming a plan in my head immediately. I knew I would, even if I wasn't sure how or when. Whatever it takes, I will find a way to set myself free. Because I couldn’, I wouldn’t....let Mason win.
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