After Class

1718 Words

"Okay class, I'm going to pass back your research papers from last week. Please do not whine when you see your grade. It is what you earned. When you do mediocre work, you get mediocre grades" I anxiously tap my finger on my desk waiting for my teacher, Mr. Shipman pass back my paper. I worked so hard to get maintain my 4.0 and if It drops because of this paper, I won't be able to go to Spain for the summer. The more I want my paper in my hand, the slower he seem to get to my desk. I sigh and roll my eyes as everyone in front of me moans and groans about what they were graded. When he finally makes it to me, my heart drops as he does the dreaded paper fold which basically means that your grade sucks so bad that it needs to be discreet. "Ms. Norwood" He presses his lips together "Could ha

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