I lay, curled up, against the cement of the floor. Completley and utterly alone. I knew what they were going to do. I knew they were going to kill me, or something along those lines. I knew Sinisters father was behind this, he made It very cleat to me that he wanted me out of the picture. He wanted to make Sinister into the worst kind of monster: The monster that had nothing to lose. I was the one thing in Sinister's life, that made him human. But if they kill me, he'll unleash the rage that made men like Luka and Koda cower. I'm not afraid of death. But I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do. It's not the idea of death that made me scared. It was the idea that I'll never be able to do the things that I always wanted to do. I dreamt about having a family, and growing old.