Chapter 4

1346 Words
Five Years Later "Bow. Face off. Now spar!" The sword master stood to the side with his arms crossed to watch the battle. His son had started training very young. The dojo didn't accept boys to train under the age of 12, but Callisto was his own child, so he started training him from the age of 3. Unfortunately that meant there was nobody of like skill and size that Callisto could spar with. Aside from blackmailing the old wet nurse, the sword master felt that Callisto sparring with Hiro had been the best thing for both of them. Both progressed much quicker being able to learn off of each other. Hiro had a natural talent with the sword, and Callisto had the experience with it. He watched closely as Callisto matched Hiro's strength with speed and stamina. What Callisto lacked in physical strength could be made up for in his endurance and ability to parry. Once he got Hiro tired, he went in for the attack, and it worked every time. A dumb monster would be no match for Callisto as the same technics would work just fine on the creatures. Deplete their stamina and go in for the kill. The sword master shook his head. What was he even thinking?! Callisto going into battle with the King's army?! His sword prowess could never offset that problem. The sword master clenched his hidden fists angrily. His pride in his son's performance against Hiro waned as irritation arose to replace any positive feelings he could have toward his second child. No. It was Callisto who was the monster. Callisto who was the murderer. The monsters in the forest were nothing compared to the child who murdered his wife. "Attack, Callisto! This isn't a dance! Attack him!" Roared the sword master. Callisto's focus broke, and he looked toward his father in confusion. Hiro used the distraction to land a hit on Callisto's torso, knocking him onto his bottom several feet back. "Oof!" He grunted as he took the hit. Hiro froze and looked down at his master in horror. Had he done something unethical? Was it really a win if it wouldn't have happened without the sword master yelling during the sparring match?  "Sorry about that, Master," Hiro said, bending forward to help Callisto to his feet. Callisto grunted as he got to his feet but then doubled back over in pain. "Had that been a real sword, your body would be in two pieces now!" Roared the sword master from across the room. "Distractions happen! All these years of training for WHAT?! No dinner at all tonight! You disgrace me." Ezbero stomped out of the dojo in a fury. He never struck his son in front of Hiro, but had Hiro not been there, Callisto was certain he would have received a bloody beating. "Callisto? Father looks furious! What has happened?" Presta rushed into the dojo then, worried for her brother's safety. She had bandaged many of his wounds over the years and knew how bad some of them could be. "I sucker punched him, you could say. It's my fault," Hiro sighed. "Master yelled at Master Callisto during the sparring match and distracted him. I hit him across the stomach while he wasn't paying attention. I shouldn't have done that, Master. I'm sorry." Hiro glanced at Presta, who's face turned pink as their eyes met. "I-it's okay, Hiro. I'll help Callisto," she murmured. "I'll get him to the hot springs. The warm water will help heal him." "No. I'll take him there. He's too heavy for you. I wouldn't want you to get your pretty dress dirty," Hiro flirted. "I don't care who takes me there, but somebody help me up!" Roared Callisto from the floor. "Oh, right. I'm sorry, brother. I'd better stay here and calm Father down. Hiro can take you." Presta bowed to Hiro and scurried away with flushed cheeks. "Yeah. Okay. I'll take him. See you later!" Hiro waved enthusiastically after her disappearing frame then heaved a forlorn sigh. "She is the beauty of the village. She could marry better than me, but I would surely consider myself the most fortunate man in the entire kingdom if she showed me any deference." Callisto remained silent, but he felt a tugging at his heart. He had formed a kinship with Hiro that he didn't want anyone else to replace. Presta was indeed precious to him, and he wanted her to marry someone who would love her, but why did he resent her for taking Hiro's attention? "She'll be of marrying age in a couple of years. Maybe you can win her heart by then. In the meantime, you owe me a trip to the hot spring." Hiro snapped out of his stupor and hefted Callisto up, wrapping his arm around Callisto's waist and pulling Callisto's other arm around his shoulder. Callisto was taller than Hiro, but Hiro was still surprised by how light and small Callisto felt. "How often does your father starve you, Callisto?! Your waist is so small, and your arms are too gaunt. You'll never become a strong soldier at this rate! C'mon. I'll find some fish and roast them for you while you're at the hot spring." Hiro pulled Callisto along, still surprised by how light he felt.  "You know, I know you're my master, but you're also my friend. If your father is starving you, I can sneak you some food behind his back. You shouldn't have to go without food, especially since you work so hard at the sword. I'm always starving by the time I get home. I bet you're hungry, too. You're always on the training floor working. I don't know. You're so closed off still, even after years of being my master..." "Enough, Hiro!" Callisto snapped. "My father is hard on me because he's training me to endure all the hardships of a soldier at war. You think feasts will happen on the battlefield?" Callisto grew quiet for a moment as Hiro approached the spring and positioned him to lean against a rock. "To tell you the truth, as a friend, I don't see my father treating any of the other soldiers-in-training like he treats me. Sometimes when I see him watching me, I see hate in his eyes. Like he's looking at an enemy. I work harder and take his punishments and his beatings because I hope one day that look will go away, and he'll look at me like he's proud of me." Hiro knelt down in front of Callisto and was surprised to see tears trailing down his cheeks. His master looked so young and vulnerable. Hiro felt a strong desire to protect him rising in his stomach. "I'm sorry for your sufferings, Callisto. Thanks for talking about them to me, though. You're my master, but you'll always be my friend first. I respect you a lot. I didn't mean to make you suffer more today. Here, I'll help you get off your clothes so you can soak in the hot spring," Hiro reached for the belt around Callisto's waist, but was shocked when Callisto leapt to the side. He doubled over in pain, but held his shirt closed and looked at Hiro like a wild animal. "No! Don't touch me! I can do it myself!" He hissed. Hiro blinked in confusion. "Master, we're both boys. I'm not trying to be weird or anything. I'm just trying to help. It's not like I haven't seen another guy before. I have to change with the other students all the time," Hiro shrugged and approached Callisto, but Callisto jerked away again. "I said no!" He said louder, looking into Hiro's confused eyes defensively. "I have a...condition...okay? A deformity. I don't want you or anyone else to ever see me. Nobody!" He glared at Hiro and shifted closer to the hot springs. To Hiro's surprise, Callisto lowered himself into the water with all of his clothes on. What a strange reaction, Hiro thought with a shrug and turned to go catch some fish.

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