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Luis's POV Starlyn Primary Manor ruled by Lord/Alpha Luis. Redmon, Illinois,USA May 30, 2524 AD The following morning, I was roused by the sound of my parents’ conversation echoing through the manor. Sitting up as I yawned hearing my mother yell myinstinct move me to put my hand on Gracie.I reached out to ensure Gracie was safe. Gracie was undisturbed by my hand on her hip as I felt the soft electricity between us watching her as she shifted slightly in her slumber, undisturbed by the morning’s activity. With the anticipation of a demanding day ahead, I allowed myself a moment of peace to admire Gracie’s beauty my heart swelling at the sight of her. Gracie's long blond hair lay in disarray, contrasting with the ebony silk of the comforter happy to now share my bedroom with her openly as she now shared my room, no longer a secret to be kept. Upon hearing my mother's voice call for me, I stood up and got dressed in a simple black and white suit. I walked downstairs to the living room, where I saw my mother talking to the servants; my father was busy talking to Eddy, who looked irritated more than ever. "Mom, Dad, how..amazing it is to see you both here." I said, catching everyone's attention. The servants moved away from my mother quickly, as my mother's hazel eyes landed on me. "Yes, amazing, just like your stupidity, Luis." my mother snapped at me using her real Irish accent rather than her fake southern one. I growled and tried to ignore my father's Alpha vampire energy, trying to engulf the room as he walked to my mother, glaring at me. "Dad, I would never hurt my mother or seek retribution." I said. Vampires have a nasty history of vengeance, yet I saw no reason to go after your blood. "I am unsure if you hurt the woman carrying the first heir to this Colony's new Alpha." My father said to me angrily his eyes glinting red over his normally pale eyes. "New? Father, I have been in charge since I married the first time." I roared back to my father. "Yeah, and we know how well that turned out." Eddy said I snarled at my supposed Beta. Wondering why everyone was ganging up on me today. "And what does that mean?" I asked with growing rage. "Luis, I see you like a brother, though what if Gracie is not who she says she is?" Eddy asked. "Oh, like how you are showing me you are not as loyal to me as you were over 800 hundred years ago?!" I yelled. "Luis, you have no idea what you have done and did not think of the consequences." Eddy said, stepping towards me slowly. "Consequences? So what if I go before the Grand council? We are the second, if not the largest, Colony in the United States. I doubt they would do much to me." I said, crossing my arms. "You must not be aware of whom the leader of the Grand Council is other than my son." My father said. "Is it not Willian Brooks?" I asked curiously. My father laughed and shook his head his shoulder-length blonde curls bouncing from their usually slicked back position. "No, son, that is the Regional head council, above Local." My father said glaring at me as my mother crossed her arms. "Regional Council, father, you are mistaken. There is only local then Grand." I said, my eyebrows arching. "Luis, are you feeling okay?" Eddy asked of me. I looked at him, confused. "What? Yes, I just irritated I was not informed of the new Regional Council." I said defensively. "Luis, the Council was established when the States were drawn." Eddy said as he moved toward me. "No, that cannot be. That was only around 183 years ago, and I would have known." I said. I tried to remember, as that would have been in my earlier years as an Alpha in America. "Luis, what year do you think it is ?" Eddy asked, slowly moving towards me. "2024, silly." I said My mother gasped at me as she ran to me her heels clicking on the tile as she grabbed my face. "What?" I asked looking down to my mother who stood about 5-foot-6 compared to me at 6 foot even. "Son, it has not been 2024 in 500 years." My mother said. I looked at them, got out my phone, and realized that they were not just pranking me. "But how? I woke up today remembering 2024, and I saw Gracie and came down here." I said, growing concerned. "See, this is what I mean; you have been behaving oddly since we brought her here after the FEMA relief." Eddy said as my mother made me bend down to her to feel my head as I got an up close smell of her scent of chocolate. Chuckling at Eddy. "So I was off by a couple of hundred years. All vampires forget linear timelines." I said, brushing it off my mother looking down at her in her 1960's inspired green gown. I looked between them and to my father who had his hand on his trimmed beard looking to me now with concern.. "Son, are you ill?" My mother asked in a low voice. "No, Mother, I am not unwell, except for this odd attempt to say I have gone insane." I said bluntly. "Maybe it's vengeance from Faye." my mother said, her hand covering her mouth as if she spoke too loudly. "What? A half-Faye cannot cast a spell strong enough to confuse an alpha vampire like me, much less someone as old as me." I said. "Son, you are only 1,500 years old, and that is still young." my father said. "Okay, but still, I doubt Millie could cast something like this." I said. "Honey, she may have because she is no longer bound by her contract or the laws of the Colony since the court dates were decided this morning." my mother said. "What ?! How was I not informed?! I shouted. "Dude, I tried waking you up at 7 a.m. this morning, like you asked last night before they got here, when you knew they were flying out." Eddy said as he grabbed my shoulder as if I was a loon. "No... I usually wake up because you are loud." I said, looking around. "Exactly, and lately, as soon as Gracie became your assistant or whatever, you have been sleeping more and forgetful." Eddy said. "Okay, besides the year, what have I forgotten?" I asked. "Your grandfather's birthday two weeks ago, the manor's clearance code, oh, the names of half the staff, and you went back to having them live off the manor's property last week even though you promised Millie and me you would not go back to doing that. Last month you forgot where the Owens Family headquarters was during a meeting set up with them . Then the month before that-" Eddy said. I shook my head and sat down on the couch nearby, signaling I did not want to hear any more accusations. "Well, it's because Dad had servants living off quarters, and Gracie said the maids were being mean to her." I said. "Son, I have not made the servants live off property since when we settled here in America." my father said, as his face looked worried now. "What? No, I clearly remember you telling me that servants live off property to ensure that no one catches on to vampiric wealth," I said as I looked to them scratching my beard. "Son, I told you that when we got off the manor in Salisbury, England..." my father said. "No, father. We had that conversation last spring." I said, waving to one of the maids and ordering coffee and tea. "Priscilla, get the healer and doctors over. I think our son is indeed ill." My father said. Before I could say anything, I found myself surrounded by my family. For once, they were not on my side, and I did not have Millie there to help calm the situation down.
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