
1926 Words
Oskar's Pov 430 BCE Attica, Ancient Greece. Location: Athens, Greece "Aegeas," My father Theron called, using my birth name—the one whispered by my mother long ago under moonlit olive trees. "Come, my son." I followed him from our tiny home in Attica into the narrow alley, my sandals scraping against the worn stones. Luckily, the mages of long ago had created our sunrings, or I would be dust. The scent of figs and sea salt clung to the air. Around us, the city of Athens pulsed, "What is going on?" I asked, my gaze drawn to the distant horizon. There, a column of Spartan soldiers marched—a crimson tide, their shields gleaming like shards of sunset. "War, Aegeas. War has come to our doorstep." My father said as his deep blue eyes locked with mine. I swallowed the lump in my throat. War—the word echoed like a dirge. "Why?" I whispered. "Why now?" I asked as my father let us watch for a little longer before he put his handset on my shoulder, roughened by years of labor. "The Peloponnesian War," Papa told me. "Athens and Sparta—their rivalry ignites the flames. We are caught in the crossfire," Papa said, returning us to our hidden home. His eyes narrowed at the scene before us as he ushered us back home quickly. I glanced at our modest home—the whitewashed walls and the clay amphorae lining the courtyard. My mother, Lyra, tended to the herbs, her hands gentle yet calloused. She stood up, her pale blue eyes looking at us in worry. My father gave her a nod as my mother vanished inside as if she knew something I did not. "Will they come here?" I asked, my voice barely audible. Papa's jaw tightened. "They seek allies, Aegeas. Our neutrality won't shield us forever," Papa said as we went home. My father began preparing, leaving me at the door, wondering what the future held. Within days, The Spartan phalanx drew nearer. The murmurs of war were widespread as our neutrality seemed barely holding back Sparta and their warriors—their crimson cloaks billowing, their spears leveled. I stood on the roof of our home, watching the city of Attica changing, preparing for what felt like the end of our city. I watched hidden by the night sky. Catching me off guard, I felt my father's hand grab my shoulder, his gruff voice talking to me from behind. "Remember our lineage—the Molossians, the Aegeans. We fight for survival, for the whispers of our ancestors." Papa said. I nodded turning to him looking up at him smiling. "Yes, of course, papa; you say that like I would leave you and Mama." I said, confused. "Because you must, Aegeas." Papa said. I looked at him with horror as I let him guide me back down the roof and into our home, discussing the issues going on as I was about to fight back I stopped I stood in our home realizing my mother was there holding my infant brother Cadmus her eyes red with tears. "Mama, papa," I choked out as my mother handed me Cadumus swaddled in the Epirus blanket passed down from our father's family. I looked to my brother, who barely stirred—a tiny Molossian wolf in my arms. Mama hugged us and kissed our foreheads, her skin cool against your lips. "We'll find you if the gods will it." Mama said, stepping back. I clung to my mother's embrace, her touch a bittersweet promise. Her pale blue eyes held love and sorrow—the weight of a mother's sacrifice. "Please take care of the Colony and your brother and keep your sunring on if you travel in the day." Mama said as she removed her bronze necklace, symbolizing her homeland near the Aegean Sea. She put her necklace on me, kissed my cheek, and backed away. "Why are you two not going with us?" I choked out, tears blurring my vision. Papa moved in front of me, standing tall as a Molossian warrior ready to take on a giant, his jaw set, his gaze unwavering. "My boy," Papa's voice was gruff yet tender, "I will stay and fight. Your mother will lead those in need away—to safety, medicine, and hope." Mama took my father's hand in hers as she looked at me with sadness in her eyes. "You and your brother," she said, her voice breaking, "are our legacy. You carry the whispers of our ancestors—the Molossians and the Aegeans. We will always be with you in the stars, my sons, and know we love you both so much." Mama said as she wiped tears from her eyes. My father handed me his cloke as he spoke. "Lead those who wish to go away from here; they await you already to guide them from the garden to wherever you take them," he ordered, snapping my cloak on with the gold emblem of Athens and backing away from me. "Hurry Now, before it gets worse, and we cannot help anyone get out." Papa said as he kissed my mother's cheek and eyed me, then took the sword from his hip. My father looked at me with a warrior's resolve. He cut his palm and motioned for one of my hands. I moved Cadmus on my hip and gave him my left palm. My father cut my palm and quickly clasped our palms. "I, Theron of the Molossian line of Vampires and creator of the Ge ton Asteron, along with my Lunas and Ladys' agreement, hand down my title of Alpha and Lord of this Colony known as Ge ton Asteron to you, Aegeas, my son. May you walk with the Gods protecting you and the ancestors of our lines guiding you," my father said as he choked back the sadness in his heart. I was wincing as I said the words of acceptance. "By the gods and ancestors of old, I accept the title and duties of alpha and lord of the colony known as Ge ton asteron from this day to my last till I meet my death or hand it down to those worthy." I finished saying as my father let go of my hand and hugged us, cradling us in his chest one last time. "Go," he ordered. "Run, and do not look back. Promise me you will always push forward and look to stars for guidiance." My father said as he let us go from his embrace. "Head toward Nephatus or Crete—anywhere beyond the reach of war," my father said, guiding me to the garden. The darkness surrounds us, and as I look around, I see a few from our colon already ready to go—half of our original 14. They all looked to me for leadership, and many had bags and resources to take. "Papa?" I asked, yet my father looked at me. "Go, Aegeas, and never forget where you came from. We love you, our sons. Know this and carry it with you till we meet again." Papa said, turning away from me. I stood there another moment before responding. "We love you as well, Papa, and tell Mama we love her too and that I will keep my promises to both of you, I swear!" I yelled to him, hoping my mother heard me, before walking away with those who chose to flee with us. We decided to head toward Nephatus, as I knew the way there from my many travels. I clutched my brother in my arms as we began our journey, which fell on my shoulders to see the Ge Ton Asteron Colony our parents began together many decades ago. Present day 2524 Ad Illinois, U.S.A Location: Underground prison cells of the Starlyn Manor Ge ton asteron traslated into land of stars roughly from ancient Greek to English. Through traveling and immigration, our Colony, due to miss hearing, became known over time as Stary Land and then Starlyn as we made it to England. My brother and I adopted it as our last name and even changed our ancient Greek names to more modern ones to blend into the English and America before supernaturals came into the light. We made our birthnames to our middle names and told no one we did not know less than 900 years ago as age in vampires meant power, and power brought lies and destruction to those who were not careful. Starring at my cell ceiling, I thought of this. I lay there in my cell, remembering taking my infant brother away and never seeing our mother or father again. As far as I knew, they died in that war, along with those who stayed. Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed footsteps coming toward my cell. The smell of honey caught my nose, and I knew it was my little brother without having to turn my head. "Oskar, we have returned from the Grand Council Trail in Michigan." my brother's voice said. "Do you think maybe if we had kept our birth names, we would not suffer as much as we do?' I asked in response. "Is that really what you are pondering?" Mordicai asked. "Do you not Cadmus?" I asked. "I have not gone by Cadmus since we left behind Greece near the 12th century." Moredcai said. "Maybe that is why Mama does not smile upon us." I said. "I see; you are still throwing a pity party. I have to arrange things with the Colony since Luis is no longer alpha by court order." Mordicai said. "Congratulations, the wolf returns." I said. "If you have something to say to me, brother, now is the time before I send you into interrogation." Mordicai said. "You could have had it done by your gamma, Rory." I said. "I'd rather handle this myself." Mordicai said. "Why?" I asked, not making eye contact. "Because, Aegeas, you raised me, rescued our line from the Spartans, and advised me when I took over from you. I doubt you are really behind this brother." Mordicai said "Brother, go, please. I do not wish to hear this. Leave me to rot until I am questioned and taken to the gallows." I said closing my eyes. "Fine, I will go for now, my brother, but know I will not rest until I know everything, even if you refuse to stop sulking." Mordicai said as I heard him leave. I felt myself wince at the door closing as I let out a sigh. Praying to who ever dared listen to me to spare my brother from my mistakes and crimes, I have committed to still see the brightness in our family, even through him or the unborn children, to come as I knew I was lost in the abyss and left nothing but secrets and lies. Note to readers: Thank you everyone for following I saw yesterday I had 1k reads and 14 follows and I am over the moon thank you. So to celebrate I wrote this chapter for the history and backstory to the Starlyn colony as we continue on our wild adventure of the mysteries in the realm with Millie, Caspian, Luis, Oskar, Mordicai, the twins, Serena, Maurice, and more character that have come and gone and may show up again. Please comment follow and so on thank you again so much as I would not have gotten this far without all the love and support from you guys!
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