Untitled EpisodeT

500 Words
The United Status is going slow with industrial robots . It is mainly due to the fear of unemployment . As more and more robots are put in factories , men and women who used to be employed would lose their jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . .! Until the 1970s there were many jobs that only human beings could do . Some of the jobs that only human beings can do are dangerous . Working in mines , or on building construction , or with dangerous chemicals or explosives or under difficult weather conditions all are joins that it would be better for human beings not to do them . . . . . . . . . .! Some routine jobs do not require human brains , but doing them again and again makes them easy to do . Robots are more complicated that any other machines we have ever had . That are complicated enough to do jobs that until now only human beings could do , but they are too simple for the marvelous brains human beings have . The robots , even though they are smarter that other machines , still capable of only very simple tasks . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. ! Robots should be allowed to do some simple jobs . After all , whenever there is an important new invention , some jobs are lost . . .,. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . ! When the automobiles came into use , there was a gradual loss of jobs that involved horses . The automobiles created many jobs . That is the way it will be with the robots too . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . ! There is a little doubt . A person who has been working on automobiles will require a different type of education . People with old style of jobs will need to be trained and reeducated . It will have to be done . Some old people will not be able to take retraining . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. ! Even with the introduction of robots , some sort of jobs will have to be found that they can do . Eventullay things will be different . Childern going to schools in the future will be educated in ways of using and understanding computers and robots . They will grow up and be able to take the new jobs and no one will ever consider the old jobs for want of them . Everyone will be glad to leave the dangerous jobs to robots . Still there will be a tranition period . So many people will be on old jobs . .... . !
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