Chapter 15

801 Words

Less than an hour later we sat in two semi-reclining seats inside The Lancelot among other Templeton residents. We shared a small tub of buttered popcorn. Not one of the students from his evening class was in attendance. Together we watched James Stewart and Grace Kelly in the 1954 movie Rear Window. I recalled seeing the movie twice before: a powerful heat wave, the Greenwich Village apartment, Jeff’s broken leg, Miss Torso, Miss Lonelyhearts, and Jeff’s girlfriend, Lisa Fremont. I also remembered the thunderstorm, the large knife, a dead dog, and the courtyard. Truth said, the movie blew me away. I didn’t know which I had enjoyed more: the acting, the mysterious plot, the writing, or the building suspense. All of it was exhilarating to watch. So perfect and mesmerizing and brilliant and

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