Who Flew Where Two days later, and after no more leads, we were on our way to the airport. They said they had all of the tapes ready for viewing. “I asked Miranda about the insurance stuff,” Ribs said. “She said they should have told Mrs. Hemphill what the tests were for, but she couldn’t swear that they would have. I’d be surprised if they didn’t, still…” “I’m not too big on the insurance angle anyway. But did you hear from Julie on the financials? Has she connected Mr. Hemphill with Chlorinda yet?” “I spoke to her this morning, and no, she hasn’t made a single connection, but she said she has a long way to go. I told her to ask Coop to let Joyce help her.” It didn’t take long to get to the airport, but it did take a long time for TSA to produce the material, despite having given the