Chapter 36

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Dron was suddenly in my face and all the air seemed to be sucked from the vicinity of my lungs. “What aren't you telling us?” He demanded his eyes narrowing. “There is something.” Damn. Damn. Triple damn. I couldn't hide things from them now stop apparently I was not only required to be attached at the hip with 5 of them but they could also hear my thoughts. Some of my thoughts. I was pretty sure that was happening right now. But how? Yeti is a competitive bastard. I directed that thought as loudly as I could ensure enough darkness descended over his features. Before he could react though Silas spoke. “You didn't move your lips. We all heard you say that but you. You didn't f*****g speak!” I swallowed my breathing shallow as it rushed in and out of my mouth. “Apparently you 5 can read some of my thoughts now.” There might have not been that many other demigods in the room with us but it seemed that right then the silence rain through the entire dining space. The cursors just stared at me not moving or blinking until finally Amor’s hand landed on my shoulder demanding my attention. His golden eyes had turned a dark bronze colour. “How is that even possible?” He asked. “Rani's power doesn't work like that. He can't have done this. Can you hear our thoughts?” As if they had just wondered the same thing Yeti, Silas and Cronas were on their feet in an instant and their fury now crowding the space. Damn the stupid gods. I wish I could run away from all the crazy right now. How far would I get before the pain killed me? It was probably an experiment I would have to try very soon Since none of them were backing down I decided then to put them out of their misery. “I can't hear your thoughts. This seems to be a one way thing. And it doesn't appear that you are hearing everything from me either otherwise you would have clicked on ages ago that something weird was happening.” Cronas smirked. “Doubtful Rocks. Something tells me there isn't a lot going on up in that mind and around you something weird is always happening.” Screw you asshole. His mouth dropped slightly and now it was time for us mark to cross my face. Before he could form any kind of reply Dron shoved his twin. “Get a grip,” he said roughly. “You are acting like an asshole. We are wasting time and energy. We should be figuring out what happened to her. What did Rane hit her with?” I slumped back into my chair burying my heads in my hands as I tried to sort through the mess of emotions and thoughts I had going on. Dweller! I knew I should react. The feminine voice held a harsh bark of command but I was so tired that I could barely lift my face again. By the time I did there were 3 of them. The dweller relations committee. Lynn stood with usual grace and perfection her willowy body wrapped in a flowing white robe her golden curls arranged perfectly around her angelic f*******: the only thing to mark her perfection was her slightly open mouth why dies increased bro full she was angry unconfused. Henchman number one and henchman number 2 closed in on either side and I knew this was the point where the sheet was about to get ready real. I was leaving for the past few days in a bubble and not the real world. I was not a Demi God. I was not equal to these people and I was definitely overdue for some knocking down from my imaginary pedestal. Lynn recovered her composer closing in the distance between us. Her hands were trembling my nuclear somehow I could see that along with the fine beading of sweat across eyebrow. Why was she nervous? The 2 cursors who has still been sitting now stood and the 5 of them did their wall of protection thing. Lean and the 2 men halted. Like ground to halt and then suddenly understood the sweat on her bra. She was afraid of them. Trying her best to hide her fear she cleared her throat,” we received word of her dweller who was seated at the table in the dining area. The same dweller was reported missing to us several days ago. She needs to come with us now for questioning and reassignment.” reassignment. Right! Just sign me up to be kicked to death by Bullock stop Yeti was the first to speak which was no surprise to me. “Lynn you should not concern yourself with this dweller. She has been assisting us for the past few days and she is going to continue to assist us for the foreseeable future.” “You assigned her to us,” Dron stated from behind. “So she is ours now,” Amor concluded his golden eyes catching mine for a brief moment. Ignoring the emotions that still stored in my chair remains seating pretending to be an invisible stupid dweller. A torrent of words burst from Lynn then as though she couldn't have kept them inside. “Rules are there for reason. You change them for one dweller and the rest of them are wondering why aren't they allowed to sit with the Demi gods at dinner. Or go to the class and learn with them. Our world works because everyone knows their place. The natural order. What would the gods think about this?” The cursors took one look at each other and then each of them lost their s**t. Just like doubled over almost on the floor kind of laughing. I bit while to stop myself from laughing with them but it was probably the hardest thing that I had ever done. Finally Cronas straightened. He rubbed his hand across his till broadly grinning face and said ,”those gods don't give a single s**t about what you do here. As long as you keep the worship and the Demi gods coming they wouldn't care if you all decide to strip naked and have mass Demi God-dweller s*x parties.” Lynn turned a shade of green which all had the cursors leaning back from her and then with a huff she spun on her heel and stormed out of the dining room her henchman trailing behind her. Silas’s eyes were sparkling when he turned back in my direction they are gem like nature very prominent. “Never liked that committee. Think we should make it our aim to bring it down.” His brothers laughed and chimed in with their suggestions and for a moment it was all as if they had forgotten that I was in their midst. Suddenly they didn’t. Chair scrapped and as the 5 of them sat around me I had to admit being in the centre of their attention had me squirming in my seat. So intense. Just so freaking intense. Amor must have mistaken my unease for upset. He leaned in closer to me. “Don’t worry about the dweller committee Charmaine. We will make sure that they don't bother you. She knows that now you are under hour order now and they rarely ever mess with us.” I had seen the dark look on Lin face as she stormed off. We'll dark and queasy and she was not going to let this rest full she was going to wait until they let their guard down and then she was going to dress Troy me. Do you think it is safe for us to leave rocks with the other dwellers? Are more asked others. She is the clumsiest 1I have ever seen even by their usual low standards. Yet he did not miss a bit. She will be fine as long as no one will hurt her in the dweller dungeons it is only above ground where the demigods are that we need to keep an eye on her. Sitting right here assholes. 5 sets of eyes. 5 identical smirks. In that movement there was number mistaking that they were brothers and that their mother was blessed with a gift of beauty. “Double bonus that she can just project her thoughts and we can hear them,” Silas said. “If anyone bothers you just call for us rocks OK?” Yep sure no problem. Why not it and worked very hard to conceal my next thoughts. I wasn't ready for them to know about the tiny problem of me not being able to be too far away from them. They would most likely regret taking me into their protection if they knew that I was going to be stuck to them like glue. maybe I could sneak and hide in the supply closet near their rooms. Then each holding a plate of food. Somehow even though it wasn't quite dinner time yet they were feeding us well the Cursors anyway. I saw more than one set of confused eyes and dropped jaws. No one was quite sure what to make of me sitting right in the centre of the pile of demigods. “Stop.” Dron’s deep voice thundered around the room. “You didn't serve Charmaine. she will have the same and fresh water.” Some of the confusion turned to anger and I could see that more than one dweller wanted to question drone but the new better. They knew their place and they probably didn't want to get crushed I was the only one stupid enough to end up in a situation like this one of which would tear us apart and the very fabric of the world that we had lived in. Damn Rane. Was this exactly what he was hoping for when he bound me to the boys? He was the God of chaos after all and this was bound to get chaotic. As we eat I was trying my best to breathe and somehow still stuff as much as delicious food into my mouth as I could. top of my list for hitting Demi gods was they got all the best food. Freshers produce meat from the fine cards even regular berries and sweet eyes. I glared at Cronas who was on my right side and hooked my arm around my small cup of pink eyes as barrier. What? He asked lifting one eyebrow to with a sardonic stare ,”do you really think I'm going to steal your desert?” My eyes flicked between all of them briefly and I tugged the small dish even closer to my chest. I won't let you have it this is my crushed eyes. I will end anyone who touches it. There was a gasp from behind me and I spun with ice in hand to find Red standing there. Her normally golden features were pale and she looked tired and they touched thinner than the last time I had seen her. “Charm!” it was a whisper of my name but it still drew that tension of the Demi gods were around us. Dinner time is now starting so the room was told lowly feeling. “Charm!” She screeched this time and now every single face was turned in our direction. My best friend glanced around her eyes darting frantically. She knew she couldn't draw attention to us like this but she couldn't seem to stop herself from reaching out and latching onto my arm. Here we go again. I was hold out of their room by her super muscles and as soon as we were outside the doors again she let me have it. “I have been going out of my mind with worry. 2 full days Charm! 2! You just vanished. I thought you were dead that the cursors took off with you and dumped your body in the forest. how could you do this to me? I thought we were best friends. I thought we were family.” I was trying to listen to her while also hoping and explanation would come to me full one we should make sense to her. I needed to comfort her because it was killing me to see her so destroyed but I could scarcely concentrate around the pain in my chest. It was not at dying level yet but it was making really hard for me to focus.
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