Chapter 32

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“Shhh,” Amor interrupted. He was standing beside drawn evidently close enough to hear my panicked prayers. You stabbed one of them. They aren't going to do what you say just because you ask nicely. They are not here for her Yeti spoke up his dark expression saying more than necessary. Trickery? You would know better than us. Is it dod? No. It's not a trick. Silas seemed to be speaking through his clenched teeth full he has no idea who stole the cup. show yourself! Munna suddenly shouted his voice carrying all the way to the cluster of trees we had left behind almost seeming to shake their leaves From the darkness caused by the stormy sky and the shelter of short forest a man suddenly materialised walking towards us. He was closed in a blood red rogue which swept over the ground collecting sticks and dust as he swooped in towards us. Chaos! a collective growth announced the name from the 5 different directions. I could even feel the name as it vibrated the entire way through Dron’s body. What's with the nightmare illusion, what do you want? Yeti demanded, stepping away from the circle. I craned my head away from Dron trying to see the man better. It was difficult because as soon as Yeti moved so did the others. D tightened the circle around me. Amor and Cronas spinning around face to face with the man who had arrived to do Cronas still had one eye on the rolling hills behind us. “Its not an illusion,” Chaos answered his voice oddly high pitched for his imposing stretcher. It made him sound more like a little unhinged as though he would break out into a maniacal laughter one moment. It's just a bit of fun. Who are you hiding back there. Cronas’s current plaything. he seems to like this one so we are trying not to scare her off. I thought fear was a big part of Cronas’s playtime. This time Chaos did laugh maniacally. Ashirwad hurdling back into drawn. I was pretty sure that he was a God since he was wearing one of those flowing coloured robes and he would have been considered massive standing next to a normal demigod. He just looked Cambridge standing next to Yeti. Either way I didn't want to look anymore. I didn't even care that they were making me sound like a dimwitted dweller toy. I just wanted the sky to go back to normal and for Chaos to stop talking because his voice was creepy as hell. Let's get to the point why you are here, Dron was probably aware that I was trembling against his back. I think you all know why I am here Chaos short back his laugh fading away from there hasn't been another Chaos got in hundreds of life cycles. Whenever one gets closed he finds a way to kill them. I need someone to help me. I need someone who has access to goodwill. Someone who can find the Chaos student and protect them until they finally reach that threshold of power. After that they are free to die. Saiful can kill them all he likes. It won't stop them from joining me. Tiny problem with this plan, Yeti replied a with a smirk in his voice. We don't really want another Chaos. I mean no offense Chaos but it's pretty f*****g exhausting for everyone. The gods already dark features hit out blackout level then. I counted my love hurt beat as I waited for whatever horrible thing that was about to happen to come from his fury. One…Two…Three…Four… His next words burst through a swarm of whisper strickling through the air and somehow filling the white space around us. I am sure you know that I don't take kindly to my suggestions being denied full you 5 have ignored our rules for far too long. Don't forget that you stand here among the dwellers growing weaker each day. You wouldn't one of the gods to take advantage of that now would you? I can make sure that you have no more trouble here all you have to do is find my beta. Drones are tightened minute play around me. I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't completely aware of every single part of his body pressed against his. Of course that was far less worrying than the fact that his arm had tightened! Was he worried? Sheet of course he was worried. This was a good and even if there were 5 cursors it wouldn't matter. One God could and highlight them in an instant. No! That was not okay what the hell was I going to do! And in all my panic I had missed some of the boy’s reply to that wheel threat from Chaos. I got the tail end of Silas saying …would be a mistake to try us. we take orders from no one. Not even you. Chaos grinned at them and somehow that was even more sinister than his previous dark scowl. We will see boy. We will see. Stay safe out here looks like a storm is coming With that not at all creepy parting line he turned an inner flash of red robes he was striding back into the trees. I felt it the moment he left Vandelay. The air around us thinned out somewhere and even though the storm above seemed to be growing in ferocity. Which said nothing for the 5 Demi God still around me. There body seemed to swell against them as their muscles tensed. I struggled against drawn needing to get down so I could see them better. So that I could just ask them what the hell had happened. The strength gifted Demi God released me keeping one hand on me as I stumbled. Somehow he knew that I was going to stumble. Okay let's be real here everyone knew that I was going to stumble and I just wasn't used to anyone knowing this and preparing for it.
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