Chapter 29

1330 Words
They all seemed so big wrapped in ropes that dragged along the marble. Even the female seemed larger than life with tall and willowy frames their hair left free and flowing dragging down their backs in a shining display of Immaculate colour. Hopefully Cronas hadn't lied to me because there was only one man wearing purple that I could see. He stood right beside the massive buffet table every dish of food imaginable spread over right and the purple robes draping over his massive shoulders to pool on the marble. There was a cord around his waist and there was a cup hanging of the cord. It looked more like a trophy complete with a golden shine and everything I made my way over to him grabbing a knife from the buffet table as I passed and then ending a basket of bread and pulling out little cloth sack that the bread had been sitting on. Excuse me sacred one, I muttered bumping into d slicing the knife through the chord and catching the falling cup into my sack Vijay quickly hit behind my back. Watch yourself he growled spinning around. Or I will push you off that damn platform you useless thing. Wow, Rude much? Apologies secret one, I muttered Boeing like Jeff had backing a few steps away I should have known better. Backing away without looking was never a thing that had worked for me before. I backed right into one of the villi God women who also fell forward also knocking over the man who had been standing next to her by topple towards the woman and she pushed me away sending me sprawling on to the man instead I touched out my hands to catch myself forgetting that I was holding the knife. And that was how I stabbed a God in elysium. The man looked at the knife protruding from his stomach his eyes white. I also stared at the knife protruding from his stomach my own eyes white. Nobody said anything. The whole platform has fallen into a heavy shocked silence. Someone grabbed me by the back of my misery covering holding me back to my feet and spinning me around. DOD. And he was passed. Another faulty server he muttered planting a hand into the centre of my chest pushing hard. The air closed in around me the whole world turning black. I landed on my back softly packed soil breaking my fall full the darkness did not lift and it took me a moment to realise that I was in another cave. I pulled myself up onto my elbows seeking out the light of the entrance. There were some splotchy shapes locking out most of the light but I could still see it so I forced myself to my feet and began to struggle in that direction. I pulled my trophy out of the bag leaving the clothes behind in The Cave while I run my hands over the smooth metal surface. This better be worth it Ahead of me the shapes being began to shift forming in to silhouettes. 5 silhouettes to be exact. She is back. I recognise Dron’s voice as I finally made it closer to the entrance of The Cave. It hadn't been the same cave but a new cave all together. You were right trickery. She did get sent to the management cave. I am always right. Sailor sounded like he like he was laughing but it tapered off when I stepped into the light and tossed my trophy to the dirt in front of them. what's with the blood? Cronas asked his eyes on my left hand. Stabbed a God, I told him. His expression went blank very quickly but I was sure he was hiding a laugh. Don't grow drowning in guilt or anything. Well he can't die from it full he is already dead right? Cronas smiled. A wide crazy disarming smile that caught my breath and wiped every thought out of my head full he was looking at me as though he had just seen me but then he is browse drew together and he flicked up his eyes to mother cap of my head and then down to my borrowed outfit. I told my gaze away on most immediately wishing that I hadn't because 4 sets of more eyes were starring in the exact same way. Uh… I tried to drag and explanation when out of my still blank mind when Amor shook his head drawing my full attention. What the f**k are you wearing? He growled the usual smoothness of a silk and voice disappearing altogether. My first instinct was to hide. to try my best with stupidly tiny hands to cover my nakedness. Nakedness which was probably tinted a nice set of pink right about now but as 5 sets of eyes continue to bore into me eyes belonging to Shitty Demi gods who had dragged me into Elysium to steal from the gods I realised something I realised that I did not care. They could just deal with it. I dropped my hands to my hips and with the voice as far as possible I said ,”good thought had that you boys would have seen more than your fair share of boobs and vagina.” A snort of laughter from Silas cut me off mid sentence but he got the point. But before another one said another word Amor whipped his far to valuable for me to ever dream of owning a shirt over his head he reached out a hand and curved it around my shoulder pulling me across to stand before him. In a blink the warm length of the material was being pulled over my head pulling past my thighs. It had been clearly handmade for someone his size. I would have spent some time enjoying the soft material. It was woven from magic or at least some form of extra silky blend reserved for Demi gods but I couldn't enjoy it. I couldn't because Amor was now shirtless. Holy dweller babies. Could I have his dweller demigod babies? Wait no. Not what I meant. What I meant to say was put your damn shirt back on. All of that golden sunshine skin raped tightly over hard muscle was horrible to look at. I was not going to spend any more than next 30 to 40 minutes staring at him before my tongue would actually fall out of my mouth silence swept me up throwing me with ease over his shoulder. Come on rocks he said as he started to move. What the crap? Why did they keep doing that? I struggled against his old and even though knew that it was a bad idea I kicked out as hard as I could at him. Aiming to hurt. Next line of course I didn't even seem to care. his strong arms tightened across me halting my kicks. Stop fighting me. You know you can't live without touching one of us and frankly I don't trust you to make it without a concussion or mood of your ass showing. I knew I was bright red partly from the blood rushing to my upside down as it hung down is back but also from his words stop when did this become my life upside down and naked except for some weird skin suit and they borrowed shirt. Once she heard about my escapades red would either have a heart attack or become the first person to die from the simple act of speaking. The journey back from the banishment cave was a little rockier than the initial journey into elysium. Apparently they didn’t like they rejected beings having an easy escape route. A few times I thought I got a some site of something Into Darkness at least from what I could make out by lifting my head from its hand resting my in place.
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