
981 Words

JimmyJimmy Halverson. The best-looking boy in town. Smart. Popular. Good athlete…with the body to go with it. And my wet dream. Yeah, right. Scrawny me, built like a matchstick—a burnt one, at that—and introverted to the nth degree. But a guy can always dream, can’t he? Jimmy led a pack of about a half-dozen of us who hung around together in our free time. Everyone worked after school, me at the picture show and Jimmy at his dad’s car dealership, and the others at wherever. Still, we had lots of free time, although Jimmy dating just about every girl in high school cut into his time with us. Word around town was that he got a lot of them, and he soon had the rep as the biggest cocksman around…and they weren’t just talking about the number of girls he was supposed to have seduced, either.

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