
2008 Words

LodestarA penetrating chill pulled me from my sleep as the distant rumble of thunder and ghostly flashes broke the half-light of dawn. I abandoned the bedroll to find my two companions scanning the Little Humps, a line of low hills to the west. “Rain?” I asked, scratching my bum where a rock had rendered it sore. “Ain’t thunder,” Hap Auslander replied. “Somebody gittin’ the crap stomped outta ‘em.” “Military guns. Big ones,” Henry Nettles added. “They’s a Injun town over yonder.” Hap tied his bedroll on Speckles, the Appaloosa he rode. “Best be moving. Keep a sharp eye out. Stragglers is apt to be tetchy.” We took the trail in single file with me bringing up the rear. Half a day on the trail passed before Nettles hauled up and pointed west. “By, God, it’s the troopers that done it!”

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