2141 Words

Well, the next day Min-Jung headed to school, and Papa was out fishing like always, and Mama was getting all dressed up like she was about to go out someplace. So I thought maybe we was gonna take a walk to look for some roots to have with our fish for dinner, except Mama told me I better behave ’cause Grandmother was on the way, and she was gonna be watching me for the afternoon. Usually, it was a treat to have Grandmother come on over. She was so old, I could run away from her easy as I could whistle except that I didn’t hafta because she didn’t never once took down the spanking spoon. Not once, long as I knowed her. She was kinda quiet-like. Preferred to sit and tell stories, tell me what things were like before the Peninsula War and boring stuff and nonsense like that, but she smelt ok

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