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"Is this your way to ask s*x in the shower?" Kale mocked her again. He thought this accident was one of Sabina's tricks to lure him into the shower with her. Her naked body as bait. Before Sabina could answer, Kale joined her in the shower and plunged into her from behind. The roughness of his erotic movements made her feel so horny that she bent her body to give him more depth. Kale took it as a hint of what she was requesting so he became more rabid. Sabina bit her lips and shut her eyes when she reached her climax, Kale on the other hand felt her release and the tightness she gave him made him lose control. A shot of his seed escaped his control. "Sh*t!" He cursed himself. Sabina who was too distracted with her own org*sm never paid attention to her lover's cursing, she thought he was also lost in his own delectation. Kale who hated Sabina for being so horny pulled her wet hair harshly and made her kneel to give her a new punishment. Sabina wanted to refuse but his hard and long inches was stuffed in her mouth. He was, without mercy or consideration, pushed his seed deep in her throat. He did not stop until he emptied everything in her mouth. "Swallow it." He ordered. Sabina looked up, feeling disgusted. But she obeyed anyway. She thought this might please him too so she showed off her empty mouth after she gulped forcefully. Kale washed himself and left her cold and weak on the floor. Like she didn't matter anymore to him after he was satisfied. Sabina's body felt satisfied with Kale's great competency as a lover but a sad smile tugged her lips when she felt unsatisfied in her heart. She has always wished Kale to show some softness towards her as his lover. The only time she remembered him being gentle was on her first time. Kale was gentle and passionate to her when she reached her right age. Eighteen. She was only seventeen years old when she lost her mother, she was seven months away from being eighteen but that didn't stop Kale from expressing his desires to be with her. He'd kiss her when they're alone and he'd visit her at night to pleasure her with hours of foreplay and when she reached her ripe age, she willingly gave herself to Kale. They were so intimate that night, every touch was gentle, slow and very satisfying. But that was only one time. The first and last gentle s*x. The next moments were purely lust and raw pleasure of rough s*x. Her body craved for that rough intimacy but her heart craved a different one. 'I can't be his sister forever. I have to find a way to let us be together decently, but for now I think I'll try to focus on attaining my good grades.' She thought deeply as she finished her bath. 'After I finish my degrees, I'll ask grandpa to let me be my old self, and without the Caddel name branding me as their family. If Kale and I aren't legally related, he and I could be together without hiding in secret.' She continued to think about it. She remembered the Señior's promise. 'You can have your absolute independence after you're ready, Sabina.' She was currently taking a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership and she's also taking an advanced degree in Master of Business Administration. The pace of her degree is intense but she was a brilliant student and a 4+1 MBA program was the perfect decision that she has come up with to save time and tuition money. This program will allow her to earn her bachelor's degree and an MBA within five years, she wants to quickly begin her career after she graduates and pays off Senior Antonio's help. After that, she hopes that maybe Kale wouldn't be so cold towards her then. Sabina could only think of one reason why Kale was always cold towards her, it's because they wanted them to be lovers and not as siblings. Kale's car made a screeching sound when he drove away from the mansion. Sabina could only watch his car disappear from the window of her room. She wanted to know where he was going but when she remembered his icy grey eyes,she immediately shrugged off the idea and threw away her phone on the other side of the bed after setting her alarm to six AM. She decided it was better to catch some sleep and endure the little pain she had between her legs. "F**k!" Kale slammed his hand on the steering wheel angrily, his irritation boiled his blood like poison. He lost control and he released his seeds inside her! 'What if I get her pregnant!? ' "Hello, it's me." He phoned his friend, Timothy. He was a doctor and he owned several large pharmaceutical companies and hospitals around the world. "I need an after pill." He directly cut off the chase and told him his emergency. "Do you realize the time of your call, Kal? Two in the morning and you disturbed me for this?" He heard him grumble, his voice sounded like he just woke up from a good sleep and hated being disturbed. "You should have used a condom to avoid this, you reckless playboy." Tim scolded him. "Just help me out, Tim. It's an emergency." Kale could only sigh. He knew he should have used a condom but he liked being rough and raw with Sabina. In fact, he has never touched someone else after he has scored her first time. Her first time was the greatest s*x he ever had. Sabina tenderly satisfied him. A tug of worry filled his system when he realized he's been faithful to Sabina even without his intention. 'Why haven't I slept with someone else for a whole year?' Sabina teases him with her alluring smiles and irritates him when she refuses him. It was like the woman had put a spell on him that he only wanted Sabina to satisfy his needs and wants. 'How could I fall for that witch!? ' 'She's nothing but a manipulative fake b*tch that wanted Grandpa's money!' 'Next time I will make sure she doesn't survive the next night! ' "Swing by my clinic, near the Star City Hotel. See you there." Tim replied and pressed the end button, he massaged his head and stood up to get a shower. He glanced at the naked woman next to him. 'What was her name again?' He had a lot of drinks and forgot to ask the woman's name, he immediately showered and left some cash on the bed before leaving. He was already in the Star City Hotel, he spent the night with some friends and decided to crash in a hotel room rather than drive while he was still drunk. He took a short ride from the hotel to his clinic. Surprisingly, Kaleo was already outside the building leaning impatiently in his car. "Are you that desperate?" He asked the agitated Kale while he opened the door of his clinic. One glance at Kale and he knew his friend was in big trouble. Kale's contorted face was enough proof of that. "I just don't want to get her pregnant." Kal had a steel face while he waited for Tim to hand him the pills. Tim checked the medicine bottle twice before handing it to his friend. "Who was it this time?" Tim asked, he was curious why Kale had forgotten to think of the 'safety first rule' before messing up with a fling. The Kale he knew was always careful and wise with his decisions. Now he wonders what happened to the 'Kaleo Laurier Caddel' that he has met back in their college days. "Nobody."
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