1. No Puerto Ricans-2

1258 Words

“You"re never going to any of those things so give it up,” Jose Luis added. Daniel sat quietly listening. Because Jose Luis was doing a surprisingly great job, Daniel did not feel the need to interject. Besides, Maria would only use it against him later if he did. Even if Daniel said nothing, Maria would also use that against him for not sticking up for her. Jose Luis never cared about any retribution Maria could exact. So long as he had his g**g, he was fine. Just then, the front door opened. A swankily dressed man of thirty-five years old walked into the house with his briefcase in his hand. He placed his outer coat on the sofa on the opposite side of the living room and took his Stetson hat off, leaving the briefcase alongside the sofa near the entrance of the hallway. The room was eer

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