Golden treasure chest!

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It’s not just Wu Yuan. Yuan Feng didn't even know what was happening! He only felt a sore throat, his mind went blank, and then he couldn't feel anything at all! All this happened so fast and so dreamy! Yuan Feng barely had time to realize his own death! The iron ax he held in his right hand fell to the ground with a thud. His left hand, at the last second before death, subconsciously covered his bleeding throat. Then, the whole person fell down weakly. To be more precise, kneel down! His body was leaning forward, and the first thing to hit the ground was his knees! Afterwards, the whole body lay on the ground. And above his corpse, a golden treasure chest exploded! At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Lin Chuan's mind—— 【Ding! Players kill the strongest players on the level list! Reward a golden treasure chest! 】 Golden treasure chest! Even Lin Chuan, who had expected it, never thought that Yuan Feng could explode the golden treasure chest! In fact, Lin Chuan's murderous intention towards Yuan Feng had already emerged when he helped him win the Global Announcement! The reason why I waited until this moment to kill him. It wasn't because Yuan Feng forced him to kneel down and apologize. It's because of the appearance of the level list! On the first day of this apocalypse, many people are proud of being on the ranking list, and treat the strong ones on the ranking list with all kinds of compliments and respects like mythical bosses. But Lin Chuan knew. It won't be long before everyone knows the true meaning of the ranking list! In later generations, these two lists, the level list and the kill list, were also jokingly called the boss list by players! In other words, in the eyes of players, the strong ones on the level list are just like bosses, the ones they want to kill crazily! What's even more ridiculous is that the top players on the level list will have golden text "Level Ranking x" on their heads, as if to remind other players: Hey, I'm the boss, come and kill me! The most attractive feature of the boss is that it is 100% sure to explode the treasure chest! In the killing game, the probability of a dimensional monster bursting into a treasure chest is hopelessly low! According to the conclusions of countless people in previous lives, only by leapfrogging and killing dimensional monsters can players have the possibility of exploding treasure chests! After level 1, the probability of exploding the treasure chest is one in ten thousand! Beyond level 2, the probability of exploding the treasure chest is one thousandth! By analogy, only by killing monsters at level 5 can you have a 100% treasure chest explosion rate! The above explosion rate is just for the lowest level white treasure chest! More advanced green, blue, purple, orange, red and gold treasure chests have an explosion rate so low that it makes people question their lives! In general, it is too difficult for players of killing games to obtain treasure chests by defeating monsters! Ordinary people have no hope at all! Even the strong will feel despair! In this context, killing the strong ones on the level list can definitely be said to be a shortcut that makes people willing to take risks! There is a popular saying before the end of the world: "The most profitable methods are written in the Criminal Code." After the end of the world, there is also a popular saying: "The fastest way to get rich and become strong is written on the level list." After all, even if you just kill the 999th person on the level list, you can at least explode the green treasure chest! With luck, a blue treasure chest is also possible! As for what kind of treasure chest can be found at the top of the level list, Lin Chuan in his previous life really didn't know. After all, when he was growing up in his previous life, the top spot on the ranking list was occupied by foreign bosses. He focuses on development and revenge, so he has no time to go abroad. Later, he occupied the first place in the level list, so he couldn't kill himself, right? And since he reached the top of the ranking list, he has never fallen down again. This also led to the fact that Lin Chuan in his previous life had never killed the number one player in the ranking list. In this life, under some planning, he killed the parallel importer who was the number one in the level list that he had deliberately achieved. To be honest, he really didn't expect that the golden treasure chest could be exploded! After all, the level list in the early days of the apocalypse is really too low. Many strong people did not rank on the level list because they did not find a way to upgrade in time. Rankings during this period cannot represent personal strength at all. Just like cannon fodder like Yuan Feng, there are only 99,000 people in the world who can kill him instantly, if not one hundred thousand. This kind of parallel import that can be killed instantly can actually reveal a golden treasure chest! This made Lin Chuan feel as casual as picking up an artifact when he went out! Outrageous! It’s simply outrageous! but! No one would refuse a good thing like going out and picking up an artifact! Lin Chuan looked at the golden treasure box with hot eyes! However, there was a hand that reached towards the treasure chest one step ahead of him. Lin Chuan smiled. Then, there was a shocking scream! Of course, the source of the scream was Wu Yuan! Before his hand could touch the treasure box, he was severely stepped on by Lin Chuan! Not only did Lin Chuan's attributes exceed 2 points, but his strongest strength attribute was close to 3 points! This time, the phalanges of Wu Yuan's fingers were all crushed! He screamed like a slaughtering pig, his whole face turned pale, he broke out in cold sweat, and almost fainted from the pain. Only then did he finally realize his situation, and in a weak voice, he begged Lin Chuan frantically for mercy: "Boss, I was wrong... I was really wrong... I will kneel down to you... I will be your dog..." Although Wu Yuan acted decisively and neatly like a dog, he actually didn't feel that Lin Chuan would kill him. After all, his S-level talent can almost be said to be a human treasure! No one would be willing to kill a talent like him directly. No matter how much you hate him, you will definitely support him and let him help refine the gifted blood crystal! Wu Yuan secretly vowed in his heart that he would definitely find opportunities to hug the thighs of other bosses in the future! When the time comes, Lin Chuan will be cut into pieces with a thousand swords! No, even being cut into pieces is not enough to quell his hatred! He wants to make Lin Chuan into a human pig! Wu Yuan apologized and begged for mercy, but in his heart he had already thought of countless torture plans. However, Lin Chuan just thought he was noisy. He knelt down and said in Wu Yuan's ear: "A drama I like very much is called "It's Your Turn." As soon as he finished speaking, the blade slashed Wu Yuan's throat. After a reminder of an S-level talent passed through his mind, the world finally became quiet. In the entire 411 incident, only Lin Chuan was left alive. He immediately opened the golden treasure chest! And when he saw the four rings connected by chains in the treasure chest, he was shocked! Even more shocking than getting a golden treasure chest! This treasure chest actually contains the "Grip of Death"! This is the secret weapon used by the God of Killing in his previous life to win every battle! In this life, Lin Chuan actually obtained it on the first day of the end of the world! After being surprised, Lin Chuan suddenly realized that the God of Death in his previous life might have also killed the first person in the previous life who was number one on the level list, and obtained the Death Grip from the golden treasure chest! But in this life, the number one on the ranking list becomes Yuan Feng. The person who kills the first person on the level list becomes Lin Chuan. So this big killer weapon naturally ended up in Lin Chuan's hands! Without hesitation, Lin Chuan recognized the owner of the Death Grip and put the four rings in series on the four fingers of his right hand! For general equipment, there is no need to shed blood to identify the owner. Only the divine weapon needs to be recognized as its owner! In the previous life's list of artifacts, the top ten artifacts all had the prefix "Death". Death Grip, ranked fourth! The first three are Death's Scythe, Death's Face and Death's Cloak! In previous lives, some people speculated that if there really is a god behind the killing game, the God of Death must be the most powerful being among them! In this life, when Lin Chuan put the Death Grip on his hand, he suddenly had a "small goal" in his heart—— He wants to collect all the artifacts of death!
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