Another global announcement!

1379 Words
When she was about to leave the dormitory building, Ayiya looked at the rain in the night, hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "That, big, big guy..." Lin Chuan glanced at her coldly and said calmly: "Lin Chuan." In the apocalypse, the word boss is overused. It sounds like Mr. Wang and Mr. Liu before the end of the world. Lin Chuan didn't like this title. Ayiya also changed her tune: "Senior Lin Chuan, President Qi Feng previously analyzed that this heavy rain is likely to be problematic..." "Yeah." Lin Chuan responded casually, and then walked into the rain. "..." Ayiya still had a wire around her neck, so naturally she could only follow him and step into the rain. It rained heavily. However, Ayiya was surprised to find that the heavy rain didn't hurt her at all. Moreover, rainwater is generally cold. This rain, however, But it seems like it’s hot? It's not that the rain itself is hot, but that after being exposed to the rain, people feel an inexplicable warmth. That kind of enthusiasm is like watching a war movie, which makes people's blood boil. Then, about ten minutes later, Ayiya discovered that all the four-dimensional attributes in her data panel had increased to more than 4 points! But she was not happy at all, but became more and more uneasy. Lin Chuan, who was walking in front, also glanced at his data panel—— 【Linchuan】 [Level: 0 (0/10)] 【Strength: 9.2】 [Physique: 8.5] 【Speed: 8.7】 【Spirit: 9.1】 [Talents: Fireball, Small Fireball (F Level), Physical Strengthening (F Level), Strength Strengthening (F Level), Diamond Shield (B Level), Invisibility (B Level), Forbidden Demon Realm (S Level), Blood Refining Secret Technique (S level)] It can be said that the attributes have skyrocketed! No wonder so many people, even if they are persuaded that there is something wrong with the heavy rain, still can't help but go out and get soaked in the rain for ten minutes. But unfortunately, such attributes can only last until the heavy rain ends. When the heavy rain ends, everyone who has been exposed to the rain will receive a weak bUFF, and all four-dimensional attributes will become 0.1! A person in a weak state is almost no different from being paralyzed! However, since Lin Chuan dared to walk into the rain, he naturally had a way to be immune to the weak bUFF! In a good mood, he led Ayiya with a wire and went to a small forest! Rainy night, cold iron. Ayiya became more and more frightened. Although Lin Chuan looks quite good, he shows great strength, and even has a vague sense of mystery about him that no one can see through. But Ayiya doesn't want to have a relationship with someone who has no emotional foundation. That's not called having s*x, but that everything from soul to dignity is trampled on! She is not happy and would rather die than give up her self-respect! She is doing a lot of ideological construction in her heart, and she is constantly determined to give it a try! Then she saw Lin Chuan looking around and suddenly said to her: "Raise your hand." Ayiya was confused. After hesitating for a moment, she obediently raised her right hand. Her figure is slightly petite, and her arms are particularly slender and fair. The raised hand, a small one, was still trembling slightly in the rain. Lin Chuan walked over, reached out and squeezed her hand. Ayiyana's hands trembled even harder. She gritted her teeth and was about to resist desperately. But suddenly I felt a pain in my hand! I saw that the man in front of me, who couldn't figure it out, actually cut the palm of her hand with a razor blade! Blood gurgled out and instantly filled the entire palm of his hand. Lin Chuan frowned and covered his hand with his hand, barely shielding it from the rain. While throwing the stone in his hand in one direction, he shouted sharply at Ayiya: "Use your talent, quickly!" "Ah? Okay..." Ayiya was confused and subconsciously followed the instructions. But then, he suddenly reacted and asked: "Do you know my talent?" She felt that her talent was somewhat evil, but she never told anyone. Lin Chuan did not explain. Ayiya didn't worry too much because she suddenly heard a strange sound. Buzz buzz... Buzz buzz... "A wasp! It's a wasp! The stone you just threw hit the hornet's nest!!" Ayiya was frightened and subconsciously wanted to run away. But there was still wire wrapped around her neck. Lin Chuan didn't escape, so she couldn't escape either! The wasps flew angrily towards Lin Chuan, the being who was attacking their hornet's nest. But then, he seemed to be suddenly attracted by something. One after another, the wasps suddenly changed their direction and placed their target on Ayiya's bleeding hand! Ayiya has a slight trypophobia. When she saw that her right hand was densely surrounded by wasps, she looked a little pale. As time went by, not only did her face turn pale, but her mind went blank. That's a symptom of excessive bleeding! In Lin Chuan's eyes, blood poison is a very practical talent. It's just a bit expensive. Fortunately, it's not a waste of his blood. He leisurely stared at Ayiya's work, while playing the chat channel for a while. The news that is being widely discussed in the world channel is that a certain murderer has appeared in a certain country, and players are frantically denouncing those murderers. Without exception, those murderers were on the killing list. As for the current level list, it was too high and Lin Chuan didn't pay attention to it. On the kill list, I saw a few familiar names—— Bakanov, the god of death in his previous life, the owner of the Death Grip. Unexpectedly, he was already on the killing list on the first day of the apocalypse. It seems that he really likes killing. August, the owner of the killing ring in his previous life. The killing ring can convert the killing value into skill points or attribute values, and it is also a very heaven-defying golden prop. Terao Yuina, the owner of the S-level talent Life Abyss. The talent of Life Abyss can cause life to be exhausted in an instant, making it impossible to prevent him. Even Lin Chuan does not want to encounter this guy for the time being. Although the positions of these three celebrities on the killing list are not obvious yet. However, these three people are all the kind of beings who can gradually become stronger through killing. I guess it won't be long before he shines brightly and becomes a regular on the kill list just like in his previous life. Just as they were thinking about it, suddenly a global announcement sounded in everyone's mind again—— 【Ding! Congratulations to player Bakanov for becoming the first player in the world to upgrade to level 2! Reward all attributes +2! 】 【Ding! Congratulations to player Bakanov...] 【Ding……】 The global announcement rang three times in total. This news immediately triggered a crazy discussion in the chat channel—— 【What the hell? ! ! Doesn’t it mean that theoretically you can only upgrade to level 1 on the first day? Why did someone suddenly reach level 2? ! 】 [Bakanov? This person was not on the level list before! Does anyone know who this person is? 】 【I go! I remember that Bakanov was number 892 on the previous kill list! 】 【You remembered wrong! In other words, the murderer's level has increased again! He is now number one on the level list and 618th on the kill list! 】 【Fuck! horrible! This is the real boss! That’s awesome! 】 [I said, can the boss come out and share the upgrade method? 】 [According to my guess, this Bakanov has been killing people since the beginning of the killing game, killing people like crazy! Do you think the secret behind his promotion to Level 2 is related to murder? 】 This sentence triggered a period of silence.
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