Vlad turned to L'udovit, his eyes were dark black and full of anger. "How dare you!" He snarled, his canines elongated, he was more than ready to fight. This was his ticket to having two powerful kingdoms and this weak vampire allowed his own daughter to walk all over him! He turned to his son, "Cassomir, we will be leaving." Cassomir almost wanted to protest, his body was trying to track down the alluring scent that had filled his nostrils just minutes before. But his mind took over, he would not be risking this, not if his mate was not Evelyn. He turned to glare at L'udovit with his father, knowing that was what he would want him to do. As the two left, Vlad turned to L'udovit. "This is not over." He warned him coldly. The two left, one seething in anger, the other his m