Adams college

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“ can this be real”. I asked myself as I ran home “ a poor me in Adams college” . I soon got home . I met my mum fanning my sister to give her proper ventilation. We had no electricity in our tiny home “ Mum”. I called as I went over to her She looked up at me and sighed in relief “ where have you been Nora?”. She asked “ I have been over at a friend place “. I lied I sat down and stared at my little sister face , she was suffering from a kidney disease and needed a surgery immediately “ Mum”. I called She looked at me “ There is something I will like to tell you”. I told her “ what is it?”. She asked “ I took up a charity examination”. I lied “ what is it about?”.she asked “ it is a scholarship examination into Adams college “. I started , if I pass the examination I will get a place in Adams college and would be given a lot of money. I tried explaining to her “ Is this really true”. She asked with her hands shaking I nodded and immediately felt sorry for lying to her “ why didn’t you tell me when you started the process?”.she asked “ I never wanted to raise your hopes high”. I said , but now I feel I need your prayers”. I explained She nodded and immediately my best friends Anthony ran into the house “ Nora Nora”. He called “ what is it Anthony?”.I asked “ You have gotten the scholarship”. He said and I screamed “ what?”. My mother asked as we showed her a forged scholarship list “ Nora my baby, you did it”. She said hugging me I gave Anthony a wink as he glared at me “ I will go collect the price that comes with the scholarship”. I told my mother and she nodded dancing happily.. . . “ Thanks Anthony”. I said immediately we got to his house “ I just did it because your sister needs it, I am not in support of you lying to your mother”. He complained I remained quiet “ how did you get the money, it is huge?”. He asked “ a friend of mine gave me”. I lied He gave me a weird look but did not say anything “ Nora”. He called I turned to look at him “ be careful”. He advised I nodded and I hugged him, my true friend . . I soon got home and handed all the money to my mother, she was showering me with prayers “ if only, she knew how I got the money” She immediately took my sister to the hospital and planned on using the remaining to start up a business . . .’ . I woke up early on Monday morning and immediately went to the bathroom to shower, I put on one of my best clothes and put on my only shoes. I combed my long hair and twisted it into a pony tail. I confirmed my documents to make sure it is intact , I put it inside my bag and walked out of the house heading to Mr Parker office My mum was with my sister in the hospital, the operation was successful and she was getting better... . . I alighted from the taxi and stared at the large building in front of me “Adams business world”. I read the inscription on the building I was about to walk in when a beautiful sport car drove by and splashed water on me “s**t”. I cursed trying to clean the dirt off me. The car suddenly parked in front of the building and a guy stepped out of the car. He turned to look at me and immediately looked away . “ Damon Adams”. I said gasping in surprise , I just saw Damon Adams The reporters soon surrounded him asking questions but he walked In ignoring all the questions.... . . I walked into the big building and asked for Mr Parker and a lady on suit directed me into his office . I was asked to sit down and wait for him. I sat down waiting and at the same time saying a silent prayers when the door opened and Damon Adams walked out of the office with Mr Parker tailing behind him pleading “ Please Damon, I will make amends”. He pleaded “ I give you two days to fix it or else”. Damon warned “Thank you Damon”. Mr Parker said bowing as Damon left I almost laughed seeing him begging Damon “ Nora “he called me smiling as if nothing happened “ come into my office”. He said and i stood up immediately following him “ have you seat”. He said and I did “ can I see your documents”. He said stretching his hands I handed it over to him and watched him nod his head , he was obviously impressed with my past results “ very impressive”. He said He wrote down something on a form “ here, take this and show it to the Director of the school, he will be expecting you”.he said “ Thank you sir”. I said and he nodded “ you can take your leave, I will call you later”. He said I walked out of the large building with a a heart of joy I am Nora stark a poor fatherless girl, I am Nora stark and I promise to bring my family out of poverty . . . I pray all will be well with Nora TBC
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