Chapter 12

2012 Words

26.5 tons of Cocaine, with an overall value of approximately $2 billion dollars. I had made this our top priority. The shipment came from Bolivia, our smugglers had been careful, but I suppose not careful enough. A tip had allegedly been given to the Italians, about our movement, so we exercised all caution when approaching the cartel. "Alesk!" I nodded to my third in command. The young man approached me, "yes sir." "Ensure that this shipment is properly dispersed. I have matters I must attend to back at the compound." He nodded to me, as I made my way to one of the many, sleek black trucks. I slid in the back seat as my diver sped off, barreling towards the compound where I knew there was only going to be more trouble. Afanas had been teaching little Calla self defense, I wondered

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