Chapter 4: Family probs

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My own hair was in a low ponytail and hung down my back since I didn't have time to do anything more than brush it. As for my complexion, it was clear and tanned from my time in the garden and maybe a little oily since I couldn't seem to stop sweating. No make-up though. Not now and probably not ever since I had no idea how to apply it. Julianna's hair was about a dozen different colors from brown to pale blonde. She had it highlighted every eight weeks. It was quite pretty. Even her little sister Rebecca was beginning to show what a beauty she would be. Big blue eyes like her sister and curly light brown hair. Of course, my hair was a dull dark brown, and wavy which meant it never curled or straightened completely. It was also too long. When I let it loose, it fell past my waist. Nonna wasn't one of those older women into getting her hair done every week. In fact, she hardly noticed her hair and got it cut at the same barber who cut my grandfather's hair once a month. When I was little, I would wait to be asked to join my cousins and aunt on one of their salon trips, but I never was. It hurt me then. Nowadays Aunt Theresa told me I should cut my hair almost constantly. Maybe that's why I refused to. I didn't have the time or the inclination that morning to care about the vast difference in beauty between my cousin and me. We had a test in Lit and I was sure I wouldn't do well since I slept all the previous day and didn't even start my homework. Crap. I hated that. Hated being unprepared. "Good morning Aunt Theresa," was all I had said before Nonna walked in. "Maria, you don't go to school today, you were sick yesterday, remember?" Her housedress was streaked with dirt where she rubbed her fingers after picking something from the garden. She held purple flowers with dark green leaves and a piece of root in her hands. I didn't recognize any of it. Weird, considering I had worked the garden since I could hold a trowel. "I have to, Nonna, I have a test today," I kissed her cheek and headed out the door. Julianna was there already and promptly ignored me as we took seats on opposite sides of the bus. I found Angela on the bus and sat down next to her. I opened my school bag to take a sip from my water bottle only to find Nonna had replaced my usual iced water with that weird tea from yesterday. I choked down the gulp I took and quickly closed the cap. I'd throw it out at school. "Hey girl, so, how are you? I was worried after you keeled over like that in gym yesterday." Angela moved her backpack off the seat next to her and I slumped into the chair. Today she had a big purple headband holding her bright orange curls at bay. It was cute in a fairy-punk sort of way. "Yeah, that was weird. I don't know, I like slept for ten hours, but I'm fine now." I shrugged. "Really? Wow! When I'm sick, it takes me days to recover!" I listened to Angela go on about her latest bout with seasonal allergies and tried to ignore the giggling coming from Julianna and her friends. "Hey Maria," said Lizette, a short dark-haired version of my cousin, complete with waterfall braid and perfectly applied make-up. "You should like buy some Midol for those super cramps of yours. That is if you're old enough to get your period. You do know what that is, sweetie, don't you?" "Sure, she gets her period, just started last week in fact." "Well, maybe she forgot how to be a girl under those guy clothes she wears," more laughter. "Hey Grazi, where do you get your underwear? My little brother wants to know!" I wanted to disappear. My cousin was such a jerk. Julianna knew that I had only gotten my period the previous summer. Three years after she had hers. Apparently, she thought it was cool to blab about it to her clones. My head started pounding, and I closed my eyes. I could hear my heart beat, perspiration was beading on my forehead. I took a tissue out of my backpack and wiped it quickly. Trying to ignore the sounds behind me. Angela gave me a sympathetic smile but ducked her head and pretended to read something on her cellphone before anyone could see her. I couldn't blame her. She was being harassed enough on her own. The cheerleading squad was the Sacred Heart Preparatory School's own personal torture squad. Their job was to flaunt themselves and their physical perfection in front of us lesser mortals, to berate, humiliate, and embarrass us. So basically, they were designed to just make us all sick. Julianna discussing my personal life shouldn't have surprised me, but still it hurt. I was sensitive about my lack of development. Even Rebecca, who was barely eleven, was starting to wear training bras. Nonna took me to the pediatrician after my fourteenth birthday came and went and still no period. He said I was fine. A picture of health. In fact, he attributed my late menstruation to the fact that unlike most children I was raised on a mostly organic diet since birth. Especially meats and dairy. He said that the hormones in regular products caused the early onset of menstruation and physical development in most young girls these days and that I was not abnormal at all. My mom always bought organic and after I had moved in with Nonna, she did too. Aunt Theresa liked to cook her own food and she didn't believe in it. She thought Nonna was just spoiling me. After I turned fifteen my menstrual cycle started and, seriously, a year has passed, and I still don't see what the rush is. I could have gone a few more years without it. I mean who the heck wants to start their cycle anyway? I understand it is necessary for the propagation of the species, but it is uncomfortable if not downright painful. Cramps, bloating, mood swings, ugh. Having your period sucks. I can only imagine what childbirth will be like if this is the precursor to it. Nonna said that was why we're the stronger s*x because if men had to do it, they simply wouldn't. "Jeez," Angela said and peeked over at my cousin, "How can you stand living with her?" "No choice." "Yeah well, at least she'll be gone in two years, right? College." "Yeah, college." Not very likely. Julianna had other aspirations. She was determined to be the next Teen Idol. Rumor had it the show was headed to New Jersey for auditions in a few years. Her big chance. Go, Julianna! Seriously, go. As soon as I got through homeroom, I headed for the cafeteria. My stomach was rumbling loudly, and I was more than a little embarrassed. Especially after the whole period thing on the bus. I got on the small line and chose a bowl of oatmeal, an organic banana, and because I hadn't had any dinner the night before I swiped a side of Cherry Blossom Farms organic turkey bacon too. I felt better after the bacon and managed to get through the rest of my day.
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