Chapter 63: Ugh

1324 Words

Was that sound ever going to get any easier to bare? I could hardly think as I shook my left ear. My entire equilibrium felt off. Boom! I took a volleyball to the face. Ouch. "Hey Grazi! Wake up!" Julianna called. She was serving for the other side. I couldn't believe I just took that hit. My face heated up and I could imagine my blush. Sebby looked away from me. He was on Julianna's team. You know, the side with all the cheerleaders and star athletes. The team I was on included Angela, who was my best friend, but hardly knew which way to face and an assortment of other juniors I hardly spoke to. Most were in the honors program and several were puffing from inhalers, checking the clock, or just sitting on the floor. Lovely. Ronan was the only one I knew could hit the ball, but he would

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