Chapter 88: Can't it wait?

1589 Words

"Can we wait till morning? I'm so tired, Ronan. I don't want to talk, or think, or dream." I held my dreamcatcher necklace and rubbed the bead in the middle. I moved my hand from his tattoo to cover his beaded necklace. The beads were warm and smooth. I could feel his heart beating beneath my head. It was a strong and steady beat. I knew I was safe. I traced the carvings on the beads with my fingers. He had yet to tell me all of their meanings. The Celtic symbols were new to me, but to him, they were just something he had grown up with. Hmm. That one's new. It seemed he had added a carving to them since the last time I looked. I wanted to ask him what the new symbol meant, but I was so tired. Everything was finally catching up with me. "I just want to sleep, Ronan. Let me just close my

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