Chapter 97: What was that?

1338 Words

I stood there for another ten minutes trying to sniff out anything. Even though I was still learning what it means to be a Werewolf, but I found it frustrating and slow going. It wasn't like something I could just google or ask Siri to help me with. I could just imagine the electronic voice, "Sorry I cannot find Werewolves in the area..." Ugh. I hated not having all of the answers. I am a little bit embarrassed to admit this, but I actually stomped my feet across the yard as I headed back to the house. After my mini tantrum I headed straight to my bedroom. I turned on my outdated laptop and spent a ridiculous amount of time googling Werewolves and Wolf legends on Mythology and Roman Catholic Demonology websites. Maybe I could find some answers online. Anything to help me understand and

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