Chapter 26

1278 Words

24: Brice Brice They put Brice toward the rear of the boat, down below the water-line, in a room that wasn’t much bigger than a closet. There were baskets attached to one wall for storage, a covered trough that seemed to be the toilet, with a lever and pipe over it for water, and when the fold-out bunk came down there was barely room to move around. Storm said there was a communal shower room two doors down, so Brice reckoned he wasn’t a prisoner. Apart from being stuck on a boat at sea, surrounded by a crew of strangers, most of whom hated him. One of the crew, a short man who went by the name of Buckle, complained as he took his belongings out of the room. “Sharing with Two-Shot,” Storm told him. “Larger room. Keep each other company. Been obvious since you both boarded.” He still

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