15.The library

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Shi Lang is looking for a light book on cultivation methods for Dayin. Her attention span is getting better, but not by much. It must be interesting enough to captivate her, but also meaningful and educational. There is a sound of approaching footsteps from outside. Too heavy to be Dayin, and too springful to be Master Gong. He slips behind a division to hide. He’s not interested in meeting anyone today. His one free day away from Gong Jin is best spent alone. The kid took to heart everything he said, and is pestering him non stop for more tips. The month has passed so fast, he never had any time for anything else. Dayin even complains about the lack of attention he gives her. Who would have thought that all it took to tame the little hothead was to beat him at his own game? Magic is like breathing to Shi Lang, but Gong Jin doesn’t know that. He is seriously thinking of never letting him know what he really is. Trust comes hard. And, there is something about this kid that makes him weary. Time will tell if he is right. But right now his annoying pupil just walked into the library. Finding him here would mean the end of peace for Shi Lang. He’s ready to use magic and just vanish when he overhears the muttering coming from the other side of the divide. “I know there is a book of stories here somewhere,” Gong Jin says quietly to himself. He is going through the shelves. Taking books, and putting them back. Shi Lang is curious about what he’s looking for. How are children’s stories relevant to anything? What kind of stories is his pupil looking for? He remembers that there are several books where he is mentioned, but none would classify as a story book. A joyful shout diverts his attention back to Gong Jin. The kid is holding a scroll with red tassels. From afar it doesn’t look like much, but he knows the handwriting on the tag. It’s something Master Gong has written. Has his friends recorded some of their adventures? Why? “I knew it! I heard that name before,” Gong Jin exclaims. The kid reads for a while and then drops the book. “Merciful Buddha. Is grandfather trying to kill me?” “The answer is no,” Shi Lang chuckles. He shows himself, even though he wanted to have some free time today. Snatching the scroll off of the table, he says: “But, now I’m curious what your grandfather wrote about me?” “Are you really the Dragon Lord?” Gong Jin asks. “Yes,” Shi Lang nods. It’s no use denying it now. “I told you I’m not human.” There are a myriad of emotions fastly rushing through the Young Master Gong. Shi Lang can’t really do anything about it, but let it happen. A sense of fear washes over him. That is definitely new for the kid. Gong Jin has never been afraid in his life. This is a foreign emotion. Can he recognise it? What will he do? Shi Lang is curious to which he will stop. Will it be fear, or wonder? Will he refuse to continue their lessons, or will he ask for more? Will his aversion to spirits win in the end? Or will this be another lesson to broaden his horizon? “Dragons are not spirits? Are they? Are you?” Gong Jin finally says after half an hour of inner turmoil. “No,” he shakes his head. How does he explain this? It never came up before. “Dragons are pure magic. Although, there are just a few of us.” “Have you met one?” Gong Jin asks. “I mean, one that is not you.” “A long time ago. We do not socialise,” Shi Lang sighs. “Now, stop asking me questions that don’t matter.” “Will you still teach me?” The boy looks at him with narrowed eyes. There is a slight apprehension and a lot of reserve in there. He is ready for a rejection, but hoping that it won’t happen. Spending time with this human is helping Shi Lang develop his people reading skills. “Yes. There is a lot more for you to learn to become a good cultivator,” he nods. “Will you take me on a night hunt?” Gong Jin inquires. The excitement is bubbling up. “No. I do not hunt spirits. But, if a malicious ghost comes up, I will help you,” Shi Lang answers. “Those are so rare, I don’t stand a chance of finding one,” the boy smirks. “I guess training is good too.” “Overflowing with excitement,” Shi Lang chuckles. The amount of sarcasm can nearly rival Dayin. This kid can make training sound tiring just by talking about it. “I look forward to our next training session.” “You don’t have to sound so mean!” Gong Jin protests. The kid has the nerve to talk back even after he found out his real identity? Marvellous. Just marvellous. The ideas are just bursting forth. Shi Lang will really enjoy messing with him. “See you tomorrow,” Shi Lang smirks. He vanishes from sight. Using magic for such a petty exit might seem excessive, but his tolerance for the kid has been eaten away. Gong Jin has to learn not to mess with him. Tomorrow’s training will be painful. And he doesn’t hide anything from him anymore. This gives him so many options, he doesn’t know where to start. Beating him on the training ground is easy. The kid needs way more practice to become a decent fighter. Any cultivator over twenty could beat him. But, if he takes it seriously, the tide might turn in his favour. “Dayin!” Shi Lang calls out. He doesn’t see her anywhere, but it doesn’t mean that she’s not here. A squirrel can hide very effectively. She might claim that she doesn’t like it here, but he caught her admiring the flowers more often than not. And she actually sleeps in a bed here. Is she up to holding human form for four hours now? It is a great improvement. If only he wouldn’t be so damn busy teaching the kid basic cultivation methods. Relying on tricks and talismans is not the way to go. He has to learn more than that if he wants to be successful. “What did you bring me?” Dayin answers. She takes human form behind the divider. She still can’t conjure clothes along with her transformation. “I think you will like this one. It has a few variations of the mind sutra,” he smiles at her when she emerges in a light dress. She still prefers white to any other colour. “Maybe it can help you with your clothes?” “I tried. I really have. But, it always comes out a mess,” she whines. “How come your hair doesn’t? It’s always flawless,” Shi Lang caresses her cheek. She is as radiant as ever. He can’t stop looking at her when she’s like this. Shi Lang leans down to her with excruciating slowness. He gives her all the time to react, to move away, to push him away. But, she doesn’t. He closes the space between them and gives her a light kiss. He’s been waiting for her for so long. Now that he has her with him, he can kiss her at last. The softness of her lips draws him in. The scent of her skin is driving him crazy. He has to have her. When their lips finally touch, he is in heaven. She is all that he ever wanted. Closing his eyes like she has, he kisses her again. “I love you, my darling,” Shi Lang says quietly. He feels that they are finally getting on the same page with their feelings. “Mmm,” is her dizzy response. Her eyes are out of focus, and a small smile graced her lips. She leans on him before she hugs him tight. “Did you like it?” He wonders. She doesn’t remember her past lives, but he does. He never got to be so close to her before. This time he’s apprehensive and just a tad bit scared of her reaction. “Mmm, kiss me again,” Dayin moans into his chest. Shi Lang doesn’t wait to comply. His love for her was tested over the centuries, but now he can openly say it. He can let her know. He can let the world know. Holding back is over. Maybe not for everything, but at least he can kiss her. He can hold her. He can make her fully his. Dayin wounds her arms around his shoulders as he picks her up. They don’t break off the kiss when he carries her to the bed.
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