19.The competition

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The Wei estate is located just outside of the city, but on the far end that melts into the mountains. The archery competition has several stages, just as Master Gong said. There are numerous events going on at the same time. He sits with the Elders on a raised platform that gives them a great view over the starting point. The first four rounds were easy. Both Gong Jin and Dayin got through with bored expressions. It was hardly a challenge for Dayin. Gong Jin, on the other hand, is clearly competing with her because his whole demeanour has changed during the starting stages. He must have realised that he underestimated her. Maybe he even figured out that she lost to him on purpose before? This will be interesting, he thinks. “She is good,” Master Gong leans towards him. “So is your grandson,” Shi Lang answers. The other boys and girls that came to this competition are not bad either. Nothing has been decided in the first rounds. Almost all competitors are still in the game. “They have a good chance to win this,” Master Gong chuckles. “For merits alone?” Shi Lang asks. “I think Gong Jin is ready to grow up after this if he doesn’t throw a tantrum when the reward doesn’t meet his standards.” “You are right. It’s also time to find him a wife,” Master Gong nods. “Is this that kind of a gathering?” Shi Lang looks over at his friend. He never thought about social standards and arranged marriages. There was ever only Dayin for him. “Of course. I will talk with Master Wei later. Maybe we can come to an understanding about our children? Who knows?” Master Gong tells him. “The young Mistress Wei and Gong Jin?” Shi Lang asks. Of course Master Gong would be opposed to marrying his grandson with a consort’s daughter, so only the legitimate daughter of the Wei clan would do. “Does he know?” He wonders. “Jin-er?” Master Gong smiles. “He knows. I would never force him. I just hope he can get his head on the important things and actually look at the girl.” “I think that might be my fault. Dayin is naturally competitive. When I allowed her to compete with Jin, he got to see her for who she really is,” Shi Lang sighs. “I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite me.” “Are you really leaving at the end of the month?” Master Gong wants to know. “Yes. I have nothing more to teach him,” Shi Lang nods. It’s more for his own state of mind than for anything about Gong Jin. “I see,” Master Gong bows slightly. “It was nice having you around again.” A runner comes announcing the results of the next round. It was partially hidden in the woods, so they didn’t see it clearly. The targets were suspended in the trees, but both Dayin and Gong Jin made it to the next round. Several youngsters from prominent clans have failed this stage. He feels pride at her results. She never had a chance to see how good she really is with just him around. Shi Lang might do many things, but he won’t lose to Dayin on purpose. “Master Gong?” Master Wei joins them by their table. The calm and collected clan leader seems too young to be father of four almost adult children. Is he dabling in some forbidden arts? Shi Lang watches carefully. His every move is fluent, almost like he’s floating on air. “Master Wei,” his friend nods in greeting. “Your grandson shows great talent. I have no objections to the marriage,” Master Wei says. “But, that girl in your clan clothes without the insignia? I think she is perfect for my eldest son. She could make a great man out of him.” “Dayin?” Master Gong sputters. He looks over at Shi Lang for guidance. “She…I… I can’t talk for her. Dayin is not really a member of my clan.” “Dayin is mine,” Shi Lang glares at the man. “She can’t marry another.” “Your student, Master Shi?” Master Wei inquires. There is still hope to be seen on the man’s face. “My future wife,” the answer is as cold as it can be without making actual snowfall. It’s not beneath him to mess everything up by creating a real storm. Dayin is the only weak spot he has. Now some mediocre Master is eying her for a daughter-in-law? “Oh,” Master Wei hangs his head. “I see.” “Good,” Shi Lang glares back. He doesn’t want to be impolite, but he will never back down when it comes to her. “You could have been more polite,” Master Gong nudges Shi Lang later. “No. I could have killed him for suggesting such an absurd idea,” he answers. “Let’s forget it. The competition is almost over,” Master Gong chuckles. His old friend knows him too well. He’s also the only one that can speak to him like that. “Do you know what the last stage is?” Shi Lang asks to change the topic. “No idea. They never tell in advance,” Master Gong shrugs. “But it will be interesting.” “Maybe not,” Shi Lang frowns. He sees Dayin running towards the platform. Something must have gone wrong for her to be here before the end. He stands up and meets her below the stairs. She doesn’t conform to social norms these cultivators hold and she would have offended them by setting foot on the platform that is reserved for the Elders. Even he was there because Master Gong insisted. Some clan leaders frowned because of his boyish looks, but he doesn’t care about it. She would. That could bring trouble he doesn’t want. “I want to go home,” Dayin tells him quietly. “What happened?” He demands. His gut tells him it has something to do with the last stage. It started and she is here. Did she refuse to take part? “The last stage is to kill an animal,” Dayin whispers. Her pale face looks almost ghostly. She is in shock. “Did you refuse? That is automatic disqualification. All your previous results will be nullified,” Shi Lang doesn’t care about results. They are here for her to have fun, but it turned out just the opposite. “No. I remember the rules. I missed on purpose. I hope the tree is just a tree and not a forest spirit,” she shakes her head. Dayin is not a vegetarian by any means, but she has never killed anything before. He never wanted her to get blood on her hands. That is why he never took her hunting. Even when she cooked, she took pre-selected pieces of meat that he prepared. Nothing looked like an animal at that stage. Her aversion to killing might come from the fact that she’s a squirrel spirit, but it mostly has to do with his precautions. He spoiled her too much. Shi Lang beckons to Master Gong and takes her to the medical tent. Nothing is wrong with her, but it’s peaceful there. A bored looking Elderly man sits there, reading a book. Nothing worth his time ever happens at these competitions. He looks at them and points to a tray with tea: “Give her some tea to drink. Dehydration is the worst that can happen when the kids forget about everything but the targets.” “Thank you,” Shi Lang nods at the man. He was ready to hear a million questions, so he was mildly surprised by the behaviour. “Mmm, sweet,” Dayin smiles. The tea smells sweet, too. “What kind of tea is this?” Shi Lang inquiries. Just the smell of it is tempting. “It’s something my wife mixes,” the old man smiles. “It’s not really tea. Dried fruits and some herbs for calming effect.” “I see. Warm water with flavour. It’s a neat trick,” Shi Lang nods. Some monks used to do that too. Real tea might have been too expensive, but offering plain water to guests would be seen as an insult. “I like it,” Dayin smiles. She has put the last stage of the competition out of her mind. Her focus on the teapot has diverted her attention. “May I have some more?” “Sure,” the old man gestures. There are questions lurking behind his expression, but he just sits back without asking. Shi Lang is certain the man doesn’t want to offend them by asking if she was too squeamish to kill an animal, or if she really got dehydrated and had to drop out. “There is nothing wrong with missing on purpose, as long as your consciousness is clear. Just be true to yourself,” Shi Lang says to Dayin and answers the man’s curiosity. “But, I could have won,” she sighs. “You can get a reward from me, if that is what’s bothering you?” He smiles at her. “It’s not about the reward. I enjoyed it. It was so much fun to beat those lofty guys,” she tells him. Her smile is back. The sparks in her eyes, too. “Who’s going to win now?” Shi Lang wonders. “Gong Jin has a chance, if he can beat the Young Mistress Wei. She is awesome!” Dayin exclaims. It looks like she got her confirmation that girls are no less than boys. It turned out that Gong Jin lost to Young Mistress Wei by one point in overall standings. Shi Lang admires the drive of the future clan leader. She has earned it all by herself. Not only beautiful, but very capable as well. Wei Jia Li seems to be perfect. She doesn’t speak much, but when she does, it’s meaningful. The best match for Gong Jin fate could bring his way. She will keep him in check and he will challenge her in turn.
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