Hello Mate

1644 Words
Lillyn, Emily, Jessica and Maisey, along with half a dozen other girls and twelve warriors, all drove to Montana from the Black Forest Pack in Idaho. There were two SUVs, and somehow Lillyn convinced Emily to travel with her in the 2nd SUV with 6 warriors and 3 of the other girls instead of with Jessica and Maisey. The trip was bearable without those two constantly making remarks about her looks. “Are you excited Lil? We’re almost there,” Emily asked. She was practically vibrating in her seat. “I am a little bit. Spirit is excited too. She’s pacing in my head. It’s making me kind of dizzy,” she giggled. “You okay, Spirit? “I think so? Something feels weird. I feel excited, but a little scared at the same time.” “Scared? Are you thinking there is danger?" “No. I feel like something big is about to happen, but I don’t know if it’s good or bad. Plus, mother just told me to get ready for our third gift. I am kind of starting to freak out.” “Okay. Now I am getting nervous.” Lillyn started to fidget in her seat. Montana in the middle of September was beautiful. The weather was in the low 70s and Lillyn found it perfect. She had on red leggings with thigh-high black heeled boots. The boots made her 6’3, but she didn’t care. Most she-wolves range from a tiny 5’2 to a moderate 5’10. She just happened to be taller than most. But with males ranged from 6 feet to 7 feet, she was becoming okay with her height. Emily picked out a black sweetheart neck drawstring cropped shirt that had small puffy sleeves at the shoulders. It stopped just under her small breasts, and her long, toned, naked torso was on display. She then wrapped a silver tummy chain that clasped just over her belly button with a tiny heart lock. Her hair was up in the front and curled behind. She wore a natural look of just black mascara and light pink lip gloss. Lillyn actually loved how she looked. She felt beautiful, and that was a first. Lillyn looked over at Emily. Her natural black curls were wild and free down her back. Her green eyes sparkled with excitement. She had a full face of makeup on, but it still looked natural. The only thing that was bold on her were her lips in a fire engine red. Nothing was cakey like Jessica’s and Maisey’s faces. Emily’s outfit was a cute summer dress that was green to match her eyes, and it had white daisies all over it. She had cute white-heeled strappy sandals on to complete the look. All the girls that came held presents for a 1-year-old. Emily had some blocks in a gift bag. They were huge and had the numbers 1, 2, 3 on them in red, yellow, and blue colors. On the other side of the blocks were A, B, and C, also in the same colors. Lillyn had a sensory bear in a gift bag. The bear had really soft fluffy ears. The bear's body was squishy, and the fur was silky and sleek. The eyes were a hard brown glass, as was the nose. The paws had prickly rough pads. The sales girl raved about it and said her nephew loved the different textures on the bear. She really hoped the little boy liked the gift. “Oh, here we are,” Emily squealed. Lillyn looked out the window at Emily’s side and saw a tall man with black hair holding the cutest little boy she had ever seen. The little boy had red curls and icy blue eyes. His cheeks were chubby, and he had a toothless grin across his face as he clapped his tiny hands. He wore a white button-up shirt and black pants with black suspenders, and he had a cute little bow tie. Lillyn practically melted at the sight of him. There was a stunning red-headed woman standing next to the man and baby. This must be the Silver Claw Pack's Alpha and Luna and their little Alpha, she thought. They got out of the SUV. After Jessica and Maisey and the six other girls greeted the family, Emily and she were up next. “Thank you for inviting us to this precious babe's party, Alpha and Luna,“ Emily said. “Thank you for coming. We are happy to have you. There is a table in the hall for the gifts. You shouldn’t miss it. There’s a mountain of presents,” Kane said to her. Lillyn looked over at the redhead and held out her hand. “Hello. My wolf says to touch you. May I shake your hand?” Stella looked startled but shook the stunning girl’s hand. The moment she touched Stella’s hand, a white light glowed, and Lillyn inhaled a quick breath. Her world went black. **************************************** “Koda, how much longer are we going to stay here? There are some fine looking she-wolves I’d like to get acquainted with.” Koda looked at his friend Starla. She was a warrior in his pack that accompanied him along with 3 other warriors. He smiled at her and then started to chuckle. “I can’t take you anywhere. You’re always trying to find your next conquest.” “Hey, I’m not mated. Neither are you. Why don’t you dip your pole in the pool?” “No, thanks. I’d rather become a monk.” “From what I hear, you already are,” she smirked. He nudged her with his shoulder, and she laughed and walked off. He walked around the ballroom saying hello to people that looked at him. Some gave him startled looks at how tall and big he was, and he just internally rolled his eyes. You would think they had never seen a man that was 7’6 before. “I doubt they have,” Kenji snickered. “Kane’s tall. He’s like 6’8.” “But not 7’6. Not only are you a giant, but you are built like a giant. like Goliath sized. Your muscles have muscles.” “Are you making fun of me, Kenji?” “Yes.” Koda huffed and blocked him out. So he was huge. It didn’t really bother him, but it brought up some memories of when Iris would berate him and tell him he was like a bull in a china shop. She sometimes complained that he was too heavy on her and that he was too big to fit in her and that it hurt. She screamed once and started to cry and said he was too girthy and long. Maybe that was why she hardly had s*x with him and cheated on him. His mood took a nosedive. “Sorry. I was just kidding with you.” “Don’t worry about it, Kenji.” He heard a commotion in the hall and looked out the ballroom doors. He saw Kane with a woman in his arms and Stella running after him with Jaxon squealing as he bounced around. He started walking towards them and followed them to Kane's office. Once he walked in, the scent of apple pie floated to him. He took a deep breath and hummed in pleasure. “What is making that delicious smell?” he asked, as he turned to Kane and Stella. “What smell?” Stella asked. But Koda didn’t answer her. He was focused on the girl that Kane had just laid down on his couch. Kenji started to jump and yip in his head. There was no way. No way could this girl be his mate. He needed to see her eyes. If they made eye contact he would know. “It’s her. She smells like apple pie.” Stella looked at him confused, “She does?” “You aren’t a wolf, my heart. She does smell like apples, but that’s all I smell,” Kane said. “Do you think she’s your mate?” “WHAT!” Stella screeched and started to jump up and down. At that moment the girl moaned, and her eyes started to flutter open. She looked around and saw the Alpha staring at her with sparkling eyes. He looked extremely amused. The Luna was jumping up and down with the little boy in her arms. He was giggling uncontrollably. Then her eyes locked on the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He had black hair and dark brown almond shaped eyes. His skin was lightly tanned. His lips were full and beautiful. He was super tall, taller than the Alpha by almost a good foot, and he was huge. His black short sleeve shirt was stretched across his muscled chest. His bulging biceps, forearms, and the tops of his hands were covered in intricate tattoos. His dark blue, jean clad legs were thick. He definitely didn’t skip leg day. Goddess, he was gorgeous. She started to pant. She felt Spirit howl in her head and heard her chant, Mate, Mate, Mate, over and over again. She whispered, “Mate.” He lunged for her and dropped to his knees. He lifted her gently, stood up and sat back down on the couch. He brought up a shaking hand and ran it through the back of her hair. Then he crushed her to him and inhaled her scent from her neck and hummed low in his throat. “We’ll give you two some time alone,” Stella said excitedly, with a pointed look at Koda. She mouthed, “Don’t mess this up.” When he looked at her. Koda watched them walk out, and then his eyes snapped to the stunning creature in his arms. He smiled wide. “Hello, mate.”
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