Prologue : Yaori's bad luck

212 Words
There was this girl named Yaori, a Russian alphabet letter, in the case, a Symbolar. She's very sweet. Today is Tuesday morning and on every Tuesday morning she goes to get Starbucks. So she went out her house and stop and a no walking sign(I think) and she waits for the cars to go by. then when it turns green she steps foot in the road, and SPLASH just like that, Yaori had got mud on her! she was so frustrated! and where she lives, if you're dirty you CANNOT go into a restaurant, gas station, store, mall, house, cafe, or diner! so she looked at the car as it drived away. she shed a tear. she was so sad! so when she turned back around she seen a black cat, she likes cats! so she bended down to pet it and, s***h just like that, Yaori got scratched by the cat! she was having such a bad day she stormed into her house crying. she closed the door. an yelled "COULD THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE?!" she lay on the floor streaming tears out of her eyes. she wanted to end her life, she wanted to be with her mother and father, she wanted to GET AWAY FROM HER BAD LUCK!
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