Chapter 13

880 Words

Chapter 18: Horace Horace leaned on the wall next to the living room. Evie had just stormed out of there and he was confused. He knew this mess was too much to explain but this reaction he never expected. Not from her. He wanted to figure it out but his mind was absolutely spent. It was like he had ran out of thoughts for the day. Acedia, of all people, stood up and slowly walked towards him. “Wow. What’s wrong?” she asked with her dreamy voice. “Ugh, my friend. I want her to like you guys but she seemed angry and I can’t think right now.” She touched his cheek with her bony fingers. “Shh. It’s okay. Never mind her now, she’s a big girl.” “I dunno. It was pretty bad. Should I go after her? She can’t be that far already.” “No, let her think alone, you would only fan the fires if you

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