Chapter 10, Chastity Shoemaker:

3073 Words

Chapter 10, Chastity Shoemaker: “I refuse to tell you anything until you explain to me how the young lady of the court made it all the way out here without a guard or even an escort,” the old cook grumbled. Chastity was cold, hungry, and exhausted. Lucky for her, she’d paid attention to which road the carriage took to reach the wall and Meyers’s camp when she traveled with Verity. “Please, I need to reach my brother. I must speak with him. Can’t you see how desperate I am?” Her lower lip quivered. This was no act. She hadn’t slept since being hunted by the monsters her sister Hope created. Every time she closed her eyes, their hot breath washed over the back of her neck once more. She would bite her tongue in her dream to keep from screaming, and she would wake with the taste of blood i

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