Chapter 32 - LILAH-2

1646 Words

“Get off her!" I heard someone yell, a voice I recognised – Deyton. As grateful as I am he is here, this was likely not going to be good. Logan's grip loosened on me, as he spun round. "What did you say to me?!" I dropped to the floor with a painful thud as Logan's grip around my neck had now gone, his focus now fully on Deyton. He was not happy he had been disturbed, his face full of fury as he walked to stand in front of Deyton. His body in a authoritative  stance in front of Deyton, trying to show his authority and power over him. “I heard everything you just said to her you sick bastard! You don't threaten to rape a girl because she doesn't want you Logan" Deyton yells. s**t if anyone is on the corridor they will hear him.... “Oh Deyton trying to be her hero? You always wanted he

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