Chapter 13 - LILAH

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The office door opens as I walked away. "Lilah wait..." I hear Logan call after me. 'All this needs to stop Logan! It is hurting too much, please!' I chose to mindlink him, so I'm not declaring it to the whole pack house. And I continued to walk away. I don't plan to be helping my Dad in the office over the holidays now. I need to speak to Mum and Dad about this. It can't carry on. As I head down the corridor to the main door of the packhouse to walk out and go home, I see Anya leaning on the door frame of the kitchen door watching me... Oh, f*****g wonderful! She suddenly is striding to my side. "Still can't stay away from him can you?" she hisses as she reaches my side, her face clouded by darkness and anger. "Please, Anya, leave me alone. Didn't you do enough already?” I question, nodding my head toward my arm, currently in plaster due to her attacking me at the party. A frown crossed her face. "Me?!" she raised her eyebrows in question. "That was you, wasn't it? Logan told me you fell down the stairs." she smirked nastily at me "I have to say I was a little concerned when I heard you had broken your arm, I thought I would have to teach you a lesson for tattle-telling..." Her voice was barely audible, but her face was close enough to me to make sure I heard exactly what she was saying. From her being so close, I could now see the new mark on her neck where Logan must have bitten her as part of the mate bond... I felt a fresh pain in my chest at that thought. I can't help but think, that it should have been me that he did that too. Her voice interrupted my thoughts. "But obviously you knew that would be a silly thing to do. Yet you haven't worked out to stay away from my mate yet. It seems I may have to keep finding ways to show you he is mine and show you I will not tolerate you being around him" she ran her sharp, fake nails across my waist, digging them in enough to leave a mark, a sick, sadistic smile on her face as she flicked her long brown hair back off her face before she moved away. A feeling of anger overtook me as I looked at her, the fact she felt it was ok to treat me like this, when I was not doing anything wrong. I just looked to her and said "He has been my friend for years, Anya, it is pretty unreasonable to expect us to stop being friends because he found his mate. We have a connection you won't understand, and he still feels that, as do I, we have always been there for each other, you are being unfair expecting us to stop being around each other." I simply state and walked away from her. The fury on her face was evident, and I know I will come to regret my words when she has the chance to get me alone next, but I felt it needed to be said. 'You need to watch yourself, Lilah. You don't want to know what I am capable of. I will not lose my mate to you. Connection or not. I will make this look like it is all you if it gets out. Remember that. Not to mention ruining your family. Is it really worth that?' she mindlinks me as I walked away. I know right now I am stuck, letting her do and say what she wants. I can't risk what could happen if I don't. I need Logan to back off. Not to mention, Logan really needs to grow a pair of balls and speak to his mate. Though I bet she hasn't said any of this to him. I bet she's acting the same sweet and sickly innocent act she did last night, I think as I walked out of the packhouse toward my home. Making sure to pull my jeans higher up my waist to cover up the scratches Anya had left on my waist which were now stinging, I'd have to make sure I cleaned them when I got home. I open the front door and could hear my Mum banging around in the kitchen. I assumed she was cooking. "Hey Mum" I call to her. "Lilah? Why are you home? You're meant to be helping your Dad" she calls back through to me. I head to the kitchen. "Hmm I need to talk to you both about that. Oh and Dad got called away from the office ". Then I remembered what Logan had said. "Actually link him and tell him and Uncle it was a false alarm from Logan. There was no rogue up at the border, they can come back." I explained. My mum looked at me puzzled. Though I wasn't sure as to which of my statements her confusion was at, it could well be either and who could blame her, this situation we found ourselves in was well and truly messed up... I can see her eyes glaze over, so I assume she is linking either my Dad or my Uncle to let them know what I had told her, I go to grab a can of diet cola from the fridge, hoping to be able to escape to my room for a while, but as I head to the door my mum speaks up "Lilah, explain.." Dammit... "What do you mean?" I look to her, hoping with an innocent look on my face. "Sit" she pointed to the stools at the breakfast bar, pulling one out for herself. "Firstly, what the hell is the false alarm? Your Dad and Uncle have got full on patrols up at the borders, Lilah. There were reports of numerous rogue wolf sightings". She looked at me questioningly. "How can that be a false alarm from Logan? You don't imagine that." I look to her, and sighed "No, but you can make it up knowing that the Alpha and Beta will have to go out because the majority of the warriors are out training, so you can get into the Beta's office." I raised my eyebrows to her hoping she will see what I am getting at. Her mouth opened in shock. Clearly, she had understood exactly what I meant. “He made the reports up to get rid of your Dad and uncle from the packhouse just to be able to speak to you? Because we hadn't let him near you the last few days? Really?" I simply nodded. "Oh Logan, what a silly boy" my mum tuts, "I will be letting Alpha know, that is just irresponsible, not to mention childish!" "And that leads to why I want to speak to you and Dad, Mama. I don't want to work in the offices right now. We go back to school in about a week. I'll spend time with Indie, we can paint and stuff. I promise I'll keep busy, but I don't want to be around Logan, it hurts too much, and he won't leave me alone. If I'm in the office I know he will find a way to talk to me Mama...." I look to her. I see her watching me, genuine concern on her face. She nods "He won't leave me alone, if he isn't trying to talk to me or get me on my own he is trying to call or message me" I show her my phone. I see her taking in the amount of missed calls from him in the last few days, a clear frown on her face. "This is concerning Lilah..." she says, running her hand through her long blond hair, which matched mine in almost every way, apart from that it stopped just past her shoulders. "Yeah, I know, the mind links and things he says in person have been worse" I tell her "Which is why I don't think it is a good idea I work at the offices for the moment Mama" She nods "What has he said sweetie?" I really didn't feel like going over it all again, it hurt enough hearing it all the first time and thinking it over the numerous times I already had.... "I won't give you details, Mama, but he's struggling as much as me, I think. I do think it's better we avoid each other as much as we can", I suggest. I hope she agrees, because if I at least have her on my side, she is likely to stand up to Alpha Grayson with this argument. "No, I fully agree sweetheart, I will be speaking to your father and the Alpha too. He needs to get Logan told what he did today just so he can speak to you was beyond childish, and he has a lot of growing up to do if he thinks for one second he is Alpha material, him and his new mate." She looked angry on my behalf, and I had to say I couldn't help but love her even more for that. A mama wolf at her best, doing what her instincts tell her to, trying to protect her baby from all that she could... The thing is, I don't think she can protect me from this. Issues of the heart, there is no way of protecting your pups from...
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