Chapter 8 - Gabriel

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We have all got sorted and piled ourselves into three cars, getting a couple of our pack warriors to drive us into town to drop us off at the club/bar, like we usually do. They would be called back later to collect us too so we didn’t have to drive back after a few too many drinks. “Ah the Black Star club, where it all began…..” Dan says grabbing Indie round her slowly expanding waist as we approached the door. This is something he would say each time we came here now, with it being the place we first met both Indie and Lilah. It was sheer luck we both happened to be here that night, and our paths had crossed, but I imagine both of my friends are glad that they did. I don’t think either of them were ever unhappy before, but I definitely don’t think they were ever as happy as they are with Indie and Lilah by their side. Dan is maybe a little deaf now, as jeez was Indie loud at times! I think I was starting to get used to it, but she has whole levels of loudness I didn’t even know existed! Dan just thought it was adorable. I swear it was like she was trying to summon the dead or another unknown entity that communicates at real high frequencies! One of those times was when she found out Lilah and Knox had marked each other as mates. She was that loud and high pitched I don’t even think dogs would have heard her! She was giddy with excitement for her friend, but I honestly had no clue what she had said to them, and I think in truth Lilah didn’t either, as she just smiled at Indie, like she thought it was sweet. I think that’s what she does when she doesn’t know what Indie is saying to her. I am on to her now I am getting to know her better….. I see Knox protectively place his arm around Lilah’s waist, knowing he likely feels happier her being by his side, especially when it was as busy as it was. Though he should know each of the guys will have their eyes on their Luna too. Especially Manuel. He is ultra protective of Lilah, like a little sister almost. I think the similarities in their personalities make them work as good friends, they are both quite shy at heart, and quite sensitive, so they blend well as friends. Lilah is desperate for Manuel to meet his mate, so he can have that happiness having a mate can bring, but also so she will gain another close friend too, I think. The club is quite busy tonight . But Knox will have called ahead and reserved our regular booth, so we should be good, just a chilled out night with friends, drinks, and lots of laughs no doubt. We slid into the regular booth in the club, the music already blaring. How much had changed since that first night we had met in here! The shy girl Knox had sat making awkward conversation with back then was now in his arms rather than him awkwardly trying to position his arm around her….. she was now his mate….. plus now the mama to their little boy….. the future Alpha of our pack. She is now so much more happier and content, more confident and she is Luna to my pack. Lilah was sat at the edge of the booth, with Knox next to her, Jake sat next to him with me and Manuel further round the booth, then Dan and Indie opposite Lilah and Knox. Our buckets of beer we had ordered as we came in now brought to the table, though I doubted they would last long. Poor Indie, on bottles of diet coke. The perils of being pregnant, I guess. But everyone is smiling…. Hmmmm, I think tonight would be a good night!!! It was definitely long overdue……. As we sit chatting and joking, Lilah resting against Knox, where his arm is around her shoulders. She looks beautiful….. though she always does….. She chats across the table to Indie, Dan protectively has his arm around her too. Out of the corner of my eye I notice a young guy watching our table, I swear he is looking at Lilah…. Maybe even Indie?..... I look across, to see them more closely, there is a group of them. And they are most definitely looking over. Dude, sure them d***s are looking at Indie and Lilah I link to Dan and Knox. Their heads instantly look to where I am looking, and they do not look impressed. Wait…. What?.... they are walking this way….. what the f**k?..... “Lilah? Indie?” The tall, dark haired guy says. Who the f**k is he? And why is he talking to them? Surely he can see they are with their boyfriends? Lilah looks up, I see a look of recognition on her face. Her face breaks into a smile “Dey!” she jumps up and throws her arms around him to give him a hug, before hugging the guy with him. Indie follows suit. Who the f**k are they? And why is my Indie hugging them?! Dan links, looking pissed off. Clearly the jealousy from the mate bond getting to him. I have to say this is an element to the mate bond I do find amusing, though I am sure when it is me in that position it won't be so amusing..... “Guys, this is Deyton and Stuart from River Ash Pack. They were my saviours at school when Anya was making my life hell. The only people really there for me in pack besides Indie” Lilah explains. “ And I do believe Mr Deyton, I owe you some drinks” Oh, ok, so they were friends from her old pack… maybe I overreacted…. And it sounds like they were good to her too….. helped her……I definitely was being overprotective…… imagine how Knox must feel……. “I do believe you do, Miss Lilah” Deyton grins at her. “But first are you going to introduce us properly? Because if I am not mistaken, you both have mates, do you not, missy? And pups now too. It might be nice to say hello to these mates properly, and wish him luck because he will need it!” Lilah looks at Deyton with an open mouth in shock. I have to laugh. Ok, he might be ok. Lilah scowls at him. “This is Knox, my mate. Jake his Beta, Manuel and Gabe his warriors and Dan his Gamma, who is Indie’s mate” Lilah explains. “And he doesn’t need any luck, he got all the luck he needed when he got me “. She grinned at Knox. “Hey” Knox greets him “I did get pretty lucky to be fair” he smiles at Lilah. “You sure did. I am glad she has someone to look after her now.” He seemed like a decent guy. “So what’s been happening?” Indie asks. “Aww come on Indie you are queen of gossip, are you really telling me you don’t know?” Stuart grins at Indie. Indie feigns shock. “How rude! I know you have a mate if that’s what you mean, and that you are a big bad warrior now” Stuart laughs. “See told you, nothing escapes you.” “That’s not true. What about Dey? Not heard much about him” Indie looks to Deyton. “No, still single Ind, but I am a big bad warrior too though” he winks at her. “Gets annoying being asked that all the time don’t it bro” I say with a nod at Deyton. “Haha, too right, my ma asks me every time I arrive home I swear. it’s like I think it is safe to say she ain’t in pack” Deyton shrugs. Wow, I definitely know how that feels right about now, it feels like that all the time with my family at the moment…… Lilah grabs a waiter to order some drinks for Deyton and his friends, apparently a thank you she owed him for stuff in their past, from their support I guess. Then they said they would leave us to it for the night, leaving in a flurry of big hugs for our girls once more. Indie had since dragged Dan to the dance floor. She had begged Lilah to go join her but Lilah wasn’t for leaving Knox, and he was most definitely not drunk enough for dancing just yet ……
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