Chapter 3 -Manuel

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After spending a few hours at the family BBQ, I had headed home, and now I was wandering from my home, over to Knox and Lilah’s. We spent as much time there as we did in our own homes now. I had my own home built on the lake alongside the family homes of Knox and Dan in the last year and it was finally finished a month ago. And while I may not have a family to put it in as yet, I am so glad I did it. Gabe and Jake had done the same thing despite them too not having met their mate or having a family, but having their own homes built alongside the lake near our friends. So we had our own little community for our group of friends within the packlands of Midnight Forest Pack, that were still close enough to the pack house for us to get to quickly when needed. The evening was warm, so I would guess it could well be another BBQ in their garden, which likely meant I would be roped into cooking. Not that I minded. Seeing Lilah smile like she did was worth it. She has become one of my closest friends since she had unexpectedly come into our lives a couple of years ago. Her and Indie both arrived in our lives like an explosion of craziness when we least expected it. A night out after a long day at work and we were there to wind down with some drinks, who was to walk in but Indie and Lilah with their friends. Indie instantly caught Dan’s attention. Probably something to do with the bright purple and blue hair she had at the time, and the figure-hugging red dress she had on. I can still recall his eyes still near popping out of his head at her! He had spent most of the evening drooling all over as she danced with her friends. So when her friend ended up being Gabe’s cousin, and they came to sit with us, our night and lives changed forever. It was no surprise that Indie was Dan’s mate. They had not taken their eyes off one another all night and our moon goddess had done them well, as they were perfectly matched. All Indie’s wonderfully weird quirks Dan found irresistible and undeniably cute. And all the stuff about Dan that drove us, as his friends crazy, Indie thought were funny and cute. Strange how the mate bond works…… Lilah was so the complete opposite of her best friend, but still as beautiful in a more understated, classy way. In a simple black mini dress and her honey blond hair in loose curls down her back that first night we met her, She had caught Knox’s attention too, though he did his best to pretend she hadn’t. That was funny. Ahh memories. Hard to believe it took weeks for Knox and Lilah to realise they were even mates…Though Lilah had her reasons, bless her. I am just glad she decided he was the right one for her and that having a mate was the right thing in the end. I understand why she was scared to have a mate after the hurt she had been through. But seeing her with Knox now and you can see they were perfectly matched. He was meant to be with her, and she has changed so much. She is so much happier, so much more confident too. Having a mate, being a mama and being a Luna suited her. She was smiling so much more. She was meant to be here, I think, and being here has made her happy. I often look at her and wish I could find a mate like her. Knox is a lucky guy. Though I am lucky to call her my friend. Seeing them together and the connection they have has only made me crave finding my own mate. Yet I seem to be having no luck. It didn’t really bother me before. All my friends had been single, so settling down was never much of a focus. Despite me being 23, and looking for my fated mate since shifting at 17 I was yet to find her. That’s even assuming she was still out there for me….. “ Manny!” I hear Lilah’s voice greeting me as I walk through the door. “Hey Angel” I go to hug her. “Alright Manuel” Knox high fives me as he is stood to the side of his mate. “Yeah all good. How is Kai doing?” I ask. Kai is their little bundle of gorgeousness. Their baby boy, born 8 months ago. And he truly was gorgeous too, a headful of dark hair like his daddy, and beautiful aqua blue eyes like his mama. Lilah’s eyes are breath-taking, so Knox was so excited to have his son inherit them, but then realised it meant he would have another person that could use the eyes against him. Goddess help him if he ever has a daughter! My sister was a nightmare for manipulating our Dad. They were both amazing parents and fell naturally into the role. I can imagine the two of them with a large family eventually. But right now they have their young future, Alpha, and he was perfect. My little nephew, seeing as he was to call me uncle Manny. “He is snoozing in his chair bro, go sit down, the others should be here soon” Knox smiles. No sooner as he said that, Dan and Indie walked through the door, their little boy Finn toddling in front of them. He was a little mischief, especially now he was on his feet and getting around. “Hey gorgeous” Indie grabs me in a hug, knocking me with her small pregnant belly as she does. She is a couple of months into their second pregnancy now. Soon our group would have another little one joining us. Another reason I was so desperate to find my mate, to settle down, so I could have my own family to add to our group of craziness.
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