Chapter 106 - LILAH

1628 Words

Bang bang bang! I jump, wondering where I am. I realise I am still sat on Knox's knee on the recliner..... we must have fallen asleep. I was all cosy on his knee.... In his arms.... I look to him in panic. "It's ok sweet, it will be Mum and Dad" I feel my heart racing now, in even more of a panic. I wasn't ready for this..... "Erm... Knox..." I begin. He is lifting me up so he can stand to go and answer the door. "Hhhmm?" "I don't think I can do this...." I tell him. He looks to me, his eyebrows raised "do what? Be my mate?" He looks hurt, letting go of me quickly. Woah! Where did that come from? I hadn't said that had I?! Well I had..... a few dozen times when we'd spoken originally...but not since.... "You not think you should have thought of that before letting me mark you

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