Chapter 47 -Gabriel

1132 Words

Wow, I can’t believe she has asked me to stay with her for a coffee. Though I didn’t want to leave her. I didn’t know that I wanted to stay either. My head right now is just a chaotic mess. It does not know what it wants. My head and my heart are hurting. Being with her feels so natural, yet a little uncomfortable. I feel at ease being with her, like it is where I am meant to be. I don’t think I can just give that up. Is that how she feels? Is that why she asked me to stay for a coffee? We go and sit down while we wait for the staff to bring our order over. I felt like an i***t when I had said she should try Abuela’s churros. It just felt like a natural thing to say. Talk about making a conversation awkward. It will never happen. Could never happen as she did not want me, did not want t

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