Epilogue 4 - KNOX

1007 Words

6 Months Later continued..... I finish tidying up after our friends have left. It had been an amazing day with them. Mainly because my plan to surprise Lilah with a proposal surrounded by our friends had worked, and most importantly she had said yes and she was happy! My mate would soon also be my wife..... I go to sit down on the recliner to wait for her, assuming she has gone to the toilet. Smiling as I remember the look on her face when I asked her to marry me.... The look on our friends' faces..... It has been so hard not to say anything about it all as I've been trying to plan it...... wanting to surprise her..... but not liking keeping secrets..... but wanting to make it special...... but seeing the smile on her face when I asked her made it worth it....... "KNOX!!" I suddenly he

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