Chapter 29 - Lola

1082 Words

Manuel is holding me close to him, Knox has just left. “Wow Angel, I honestly can’t tell you how sorry I am” he whispers into my hair. “It is ok, I am sorry for shouting. I was upset. I don’t normally do that, that is normally Esme like that” I tell him. I feel him laugh, his chest vibrating against me. “It is fine, I am from a big family full of fiery women, it is nothing I am not used to. It made me laugh. Lilah told me you knew all the bad words” I move back from him, to look at him, puzzled. He sits down on the recliner and pulls me to his lap. “Lilah, when me and her first met, liked that Gabe and I would use the occasional Spanish word in our conversation. So Knox, trying to impress her, thought he would try it. He fails miserably, his accent is terrible, but she laughs at him

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