Chapter 86 - KNOX

3073 Words

How can I be angry at her? She was desperate.........She'd made a mistake...... I pulled her close to me, letting her cry again against my chest, the warmth of her body against mine felt like pure bliss, felt like I was home. This was my mate.... She took her time but she was here.... And oh goddess she was perfect! I lift her chin up with my finger so I can look at her, she is looking up at me, her big blue eyes shimmering, and I can't help myself, I lean down and kiss her, gently touching her lips with mine, I feel her heart begin to race as her hands twist into my T-shirt, I deepen the kiss, my tongue slipping into her mouth, now twisting and turning with her tongue, I don't think a kiss has ever felt this good.... I hear her moan and then suddenly she moves back slightly, I look

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